Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:

Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:
Discovery of the secretly indicated location of the Alien Stone in the time traveled image from Google that met my time travel communication experiment in November 2014.

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer
End All Suffering on Twitter: Watching us again fail to SEE Medicare for All / Single f-ing Payer!

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon
You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per month.


Showing posts with label Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2016

At the Tavern with a Trump Supporter

It is easy to communicate with a Trump supporter, you just have imagine they have a gun pointed at your head, and listen, and don't forget to breathe. Breathe.

A double, below this: Trump Publicly Inciting Violence

This is a double weblog post. See below: Arrest him now! Trump inciting violence in early 2016; the outrage. 2019: Too late.


I sat next to a Trump supporter the other night. He was past the time of several beers before coming to the bar. It showed in the noticeable head turn when the eyes follow the chin’s direction by a ¼ second. But he concluded our 15 or twenty minutes on politics with “I’ve never enjoyed talking politics with anyone before.”

I was patient with him because I knew how much he had drank. He was 33 years old. He had been truck driving for a long time.He had owned a nice Peterbilt until it was repossessed. He was driving oil deliveries up and down the east coast. He told of driving 24 hours plenty of times. He described a route from Connecticut to Florida that he made twice weekly.

When I asked him the obvious I was not surprised by his first response: “He’s tough on them all.”

When I let him elaborate he got to his own economics rather quickly.

“I drive a truck. We need better pay. You know much we have to pay?”

I empathised outwardly. “I’m a self retired Master Plumber (yada yada yada).”  My long tough and hard days of work and so on.

His first example after the obvious “How do you mean?” Was a bureaucratic snafus in which he had to annually report his health and sends that into a State office and it had failed twice according to their records. He was pissed at the injury. It was a slight. It was his analogy to government in general. That was clear. Objectively; his principal reference to analogize what was wrong with government was his experience with being delayed his licence registration by a small state managed bureau of code enforcement for long haul truck drivers.

I told how our government grows and gets better where it is allowed by congress.

I offered him the possibility that if Donald Trump gets in he might act on all of that angry talk at China and start our first international trade fight in a long time. I offered the question of “Do you think he’ll not want bills that restrict imports rather abruptly? He wants powerful change and he’ll want something does allot and faster than your average federal trade legislation. What would happen to all those trucking jobs when imported good slow down? Are you ready for that heavily impacting industry change that will probably effect you? How many trucker’s jobs do you think might be lost?”

I also offered the following and it was responded to with “I hadn’t thought about that like that.”:

“You know government should not be run like it were a corporation or a for profit business, because people have to come before profits and people are after shareholders and executive pay and sheer profits before people almost all of the time in a business.”

He agreed and was rubbing his chin and nodding.

It’s important to note that I was patiently aware of getting his goat. Anyone drinking and talking politics requires a careful touch. Use this advice please, guys.

By the end of that conversation I learned pretty much nothing new. I did validate that Trump’s supporters are the same people I met regularly as a professional plumbing and heating professional. Sometimes crawling on my belly up to them to meet for the first time underneath some old house in a city, next to a rat carcass while stirring up soil that had not been disturbed since DDT was in used in most household extermination. Beyond this story: I only watched a woman undress in clear view once in all those years. Your plumber is not getting lucky with people who are at home in the day. Well . . there was this young hispanic television reporter who I wished had  . . . I was married.

I let him know that by my information Donald Trump will never and did not ever have to begin under household economies like he and I did. He agreed and it was a thought he had never heard. He cashed out at the bar twice and stumbled out after about an hour. He had beautiful images of his red Peterbilt dumping aluminum at an Alcoa plant. Gorgeous.


Here’s the take:  If these guys were fought for with intents and even rhetoric that supported the very low income, say prior to talking about health insurance (complicated) back in 08’ then him and I would not have had much to talk about. I’m not casting backseat driver complaints about president Obama but and in defense of getting things done in D.C. I have ask everyone to consider; Doing that in 08 and even in 12 would have been very socialist of him. The opposition environment was throwing tea parties and talking about literally throwing the bums out. The health insurance industry was playing games while peeing their pants at the thought of nationalized health care financing. This president was almost lucky enough to get us long overdue health insurance policy as comprehensive as the Affordable Care Act was. Never mind drastic labor movements after about 400 years of adapting to overseas markets.

Also in defense; My new buddy had never ever voted in his life and was swearing he was going to this year. This can be assumed: he also has not expressed a political view as communication with government. Sure, he’s had to deal with those licensing agencies. He’s communicated, he has expressed this tavern viewpoint and venting many times before, I am sure. But this time he’ll have to do a municipal thing and deal with that bureaucracy again. So the Democrats on the left had not heard from him. In his past he has not communicated to government. No one from a news service poll has called him in all of his life. He has never held a protest sign. He does not like his relationships with bureaucracies.

The federal government really has no good public policy cheerleaders anymore. Back in the good old days, it made educational films for us to watch in school as a captive audience of learning minds in submission to authority. We saw great looking government employees doing great and pioneering things. We get enough of that now from private industry constantly showing off their pride at almost every commercial break. He’s not just a Trump supporters he the typically denied their fair shake. He’s a to be expected in any national political policy frequent visitor to history.

~~~~~~ A double: Trump Publicly Inciting Violence

Above: what they look like.

Update post February, 2019: Too late:
With a typo; typical. in 2016, he finally got my goat.

I do not know if he would use violence against someone else also angry about the behavior of businesses and bureaucrats if he were at a Trump rally. He might.

Trump image caption: “I would have kicked the hell out of him, I tell you.” And: “Back in the old days people as meetings like this would have . .  . him.”

trump supporters violence against 2.JPGtrump supporters violence against 1.JPGtrump supporters violence against 4.JPGtrump supporters violence against 1 Trump.JPG

James Gray Mason / End All Suffering


It has become far worse. The incitement of violence is multiple times now. The United States Justice Department seems to be allowing this continue. I am disgusted with him and every single person who finds him to be a solution.


Dearest Madam Attorney General, Mrs. Loretta Lynch,

How can you let this continue? This is the second clear incitement of violence from this man. If you think that no one will be harmed or killed from this public diatribe, that is wrong. Millions are listening. Someone today will likely hurt or kill someone else because of his incitement. Please do something. He must be arrested and lead from Trump Tower in handcuffs for all to see. Please allow justice to be an example for our young people. Please. 

" . . . and that would be a horrible day." That clinched it. Not a doubt he was talking about NRA assholes killing our president.

#endallsuffering #stopallsuffering #donaldJTrump #potus-shaft #IncitementofViolence #Justice4All #timetravelwish #UnitedStates #USJD #USAG #JamesGrayMason #Sol3 #JM A#1 #USAElections #diagnosetrump #ManyPeopleSay

This type of horrific crap is now all over the internet. Thanks Donald. If you had been a physician you would have violated the hippocratic oath, about a thousand times: Doing more harm than good for your constituents, your patients. 

A November, 2015 demonstration from a wise liberal: Cenk Uygur of the famed #theYoungTurks.


How disgusting are we? How ignorant and hateful are Americans at this time? Very disgusting. Very hateful and ignorance precedes that hate. A hateful lawn statue was addressed by a muslim neighbor with a request to instruct that hateful neighbor in what he may not know about Islam and Muslims. Jeez. But he got stabbed for his approach of communication offering education. Hate crimes and violence against Muslims is way up in the United States. That asshole Donald J. Trump shares responsibility for making it far more acceptable to publicly hate them. Because he wanted to earn votes.
From CAIR:
#Hate #ignorance #StupidAmericans #UglyAmericans #Religiousintolerance #CAIR #endallsuffering



*Demagogue*: Straight out! But first: A question for us: Should we *now trust* the torch bearing mob? Answer this yourselves.

noun  dem·a·gogue \ˈde-mÉ™-ËŒgäg\

Simple Definition of demagogue:

: a political leader who tries to get support *by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason*

His opponent called him a bigoted demagogue.

<that politician is just a demagogue who preys upon people's fears and prejudices>


Para from The Atlantic's, Megan Garber:

"In Greece, the demagogue was not just a leader of people, but a leader who led, specifically, *by bullying/cajoling/converting charisma into influence.* He was a populist who appealed, in particular, to the lower classes."


"And it is enabled not just by TV and Twitter and a cultural environment that converts human charisma into mass media, but by our political system itself."


Michael Gerson, Opinion, the Washington Post:

“They are applying Trump like a wrecking ball against the old political order. And it clearly does not matter to them if their instrument is *qualified, honest, stable, knowledgeable, ethical, consistent or honorable.”*


“Democracy is producing a genuine threat to the American form of self-government. Trump imagines leadership as pure act, freed from reflection and restraint. He has expressed disdain for religious and ethnic minorities. He has proposed restrictions on press freedom and threatened political enemies with retribution. He offers himself as the embodiment of the national will, driven by an intuitive vision of greatness. None of this is hidden.”

December, 15, 2015: Opinion; the Washington Post; YAMICHE ALCINDOR:

BTW: I loathe the New York Times for instigating the #IraqWar. I feel they have never met justice for their behavior. The 1st Amendment is not an escape clause from civil responsibility.

“Democracy is producing a genuine threat to the American form of self-government. Trump imagines leadership as pure act, freed from reflection and restraint. He has expressed disdain for religious and ethnic minorities. He has proposed restrictions on press freedom and threatened political enemies with retribution. He offers himself as the embodiment of the national will, driven by an intuitive vision of greatness. None of this is hidden.”

#DonaldJTrump #Demagougery #PoliticalOpinion #USAElections #UnitedStates #endallsuffering #stopallsuffering

All Rights Reserved; James Gray Mason / End All Suffering,, 2016.

#donaldtrump #trump2016 #Peterbilt #RepossedDreams #endallsuffering #stopallsuffering #UNIONTruckDriver #OilTruckDrivers #TruckDrivers #USATrucks

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Whirlpool of Socio Economic Despair and the Average Donald Trump Supporter


This image portrays a well documented social concept in metaphor, as a constantly churning cycle that feeds a liquid spiral of our population down into a dark pit at the bottom of an unstoppable whirlpool of socio-economic despair that continues as if a function of nature. I made this image more than 15 years ago and this cycle remains today and it must be broken. But few in our busy society have taken the time to understand it is representing a causality in reason that can be addressed.

The graphic metaphor in summary: In a wealthy society that has resources enough but does not recognize the best use of those resources, if large numbers of children receive a poor education they will very likely live a life of poverty and be unable to earn enough in any given year to escape the many facets of life that lead to a feeling of desperation as the ever constant emotion of despair. In their despair, many will turn to dishonesty as crime to cheat the life they are disgusted with living and cannot see a reasonable and viable methodology of escaping.  Impulsively, society will then spend a great deal of money locking them up. That spending becomes the liquid that pulls by gravity with equal force as the momentum of crime behind it pushes it along. That money is lost and can not be used to address the causality of that crime that is the inevitable result of poor education. Poor education continues. They spiral persists. Poverty follows.

It was a lack of formal and public education that in 1787 was not seen by our supposedly brilliant “founders,” as being necessary for the security of a free state of free people. It was decades before the first cities in the new United States chose to publicly fund a school system. It was longer than a century before we recognized that African Americans must have a legally enforced right to that education as well. We still suffer because of this lack of foresight by privileged landowners, and slave owners who had very economic reasons for wanting us to be free.

In this graphic there are two metaphors of two entwined concepts: it is only our perspective from a distance (a stand-off position) that causes the center of the spiral to appear to be smaller. That small size is the size of the issue to the general population. That small size is also a cause of our segregation of those caught in the spiral away from our better functioning members of society. If a society were a person it might say:

“If it appears small we won’t have to face it. We won’t feel constantly guilty for our inability to share the opportunity of education with all as equals.”

A liberal in the United States of America knows of this whirlpool. A liberal knows that it begins with a poor educational system that does not favor equality of opportunity for every single citizen child in our country. Too many of the wealthy deny it exists.

If we want to see a good example of the demographic of who those people are, then we not look any further than at the audience of angry people who feel they should support the empty rhetorical campaign for president of the United States of America of billionaire real estate mogul Donald J. Trump.

There are millions of Donald Trump supporters who, if locked inside of a room with a well informed  liberal activist and so forced to listen to the explanations of this metaphor  would eventually understand this well-documented concept. They won’t like that they are listening to bleeding heart liberal but they would eventually agree that this spiral begins with education.

Donald J. Trump got a great education even though for most of the years of his primary education he treated those years as if that education could be forsaken as if it were a natural part of life.

But it was a natural part of life for the spoiled brats of the greedy land owners and landlords living in white male metropolis privilege clicks, as was the environment that Donald Trump’s father was living in while he became a millionaire in the 1950’s.

In this context, it is no coincidence that the majority of Trump supporters do not have higher education. It fits the pattern of this metaphor and it fits that Donald Trump would deny this causality as one of the privileged participants of a forsaken as an expectation of life,  higher educational system.

What is Donald Trump’s answer to stopping this whirlpool? It does not exist. He would deny that this very liberal metaphor is a causality of the very anger that the minions who are enthused by his reasonless campaign for president of the United States express with shouts and yelling of vitriol at the many public campaign events he has held.

Readers: If you know a Trump supporter try to get them into that room and lock the door behind you. Appeal to their anger. Let them know you understand how they feel before explaining your opinion of why they feel the way they do. They are hard working people. They each know someone who is either vastly underemployed or still unemployed from the near depression we suffered beginning in the Bush year of 2007. Empathize with them first. Maintain that empathy during the expression of your opinion as to why they have that anger. Let them know some facts like the fact that immigration into the United States has turned around. That the rich have been getting richer for decades while people like they are have continued to grow poorer. If you have read this far into this essay, you know what to say because you were already an informed liberal with empathy and understanding of causality of our whirlpool of despair.

By James Gray Mason for End All Suffering.
All Rights Reserved: James Gray Mason / End All Suffering, 2016.

#DonaldTrump2016 #Economy #Education #PublicEducation #Kids #Society #essays #amwriters #endallsuffering #stopallsuffering #JamesGMason

Friday, February 12, 2016

Lead Poisoning is Criminal When You Could Have Prevented It

Decades of my life gone by while this issue remains, with KNOWLEDGE it was poisoning millions. What progress? What denial! Cheating. Lack of empathy:

There will be a day when elected representatives of our government are held just as accountable for their actions of negligence and of duty to us all as any one of us regular folk are. That day may be arriving as a call for the arrest of Governor Rick Snyder is now justifiably growing louder. I stand behind this outcry. Update: 6.15.2017: Charges of negligence, manslaughter, felonies on high ranking officials announced. While 20 have died from Legionnaire's disease, as a result of the contaminated water. 6.15.17 New York Times:

Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan knew about the lead contaminated water pipes of Flint Michigan long before the free and liberal media of the United States jumped on the issue. He deserves to meet the law for his criminal negligence.

I stand with a great patriot of democracy and a great liberal of our time, Michael Moore and tens of thousands of parents in requesting he be arrested for criminal negligence - as any citizen would be, as you and I would be.  As any one of us would be arrested and then jailed for our negligence that resulted in great and irreparable harm to anyone. In this case, it harms more than 100,000 people.

I have been upset about this issue since in early December of 2015, the stalwart advocate of people, Rachel Maddow, chose to run a story on her national cable network MSNBC exposing the story of the poisoning of an entire municipality of Flint, in the state of Michigan, United States. It was April of 2014 when the residents of this underserved, largely minority populace first sought actions for their complaints of apparently tainted drinking water. A chemist from Virginia Technical College took it upon himself to drive to Flint and test the residents water. That hero's name is Mark Edwards. He will fix it. He deserved our thanks for his self-motivated response in insisting on going to Flint and testing the water when few in that State Government would take action.  

As a child of the 1960’s who was living in multiple homes of inexpensive build, I was very likely exposed to lead. It was in the paint of the walls in almost every home I lived in. It was in the soldered joints of all copper water pipe. It was mixed in as a solvent in many chemicals, and liquid medicinal drugs, given to me and millions of kids. It is likely I would have been a different, smarter, person had I not lived when I did. In 1982, I became a plumber’s apprentice and for 3 years the solder I was using was mostly composed of lead. For hours every day, while soldering copper water pipes, I would hold a roll of lead solder in one hand while manipulating and holding copper water pipes to be soldered with my other hand. The only and most efficient way for me to unspool the solder was to bite the lead with my teeth and them unspool the lead to have more solder to work with. I was being contaminated for low wages as a young adult. Like those kids of Flint, Michigan I was innocently naive of the danger. For these reasons, I was especially distraught over this issue when I first heard about on Rachel’s show in early December of last year.


In 1978, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development had the money to advertise the dangers of lead paint in housing that was built prior to 1978, when our government through the actions of liberals, decided to warn us all. I like many other children probably put some in my mouth on more than one occasion. As infants, we reach for substances and we taste them. It is what happened to millions of us. Below is the television public awareness advertisement that allowed million of citizens the information to know how to prevent lead poisoning in the walls of our homes:

1978 (asshole) Governor Rick Snyder!
Ignorance of the LAW is not an excuse.
People go to jail for criminal negligence.


The children of Flint, Michigan, who before their drinking water was knowingly contaminated by lead, had almost all the opportunities to be all that they could be before their brains were poisoned by a known contaminant that we learned more than 5 decades ago caused irreversible brain damage.  I want us all to take care of them. I want this catastrophe remembered for a long time. I want justice for all those kids who will be at a biological disadvantage for all their lives because a government representative was seeking to save money.


From Michael Moore’s website designated to further the cause of justice for those poisoned:

“Maybe you don't understand the science behind this. Lead, in water -- now, bear with me, this involves a science lesson and you belong to the anti-science party, the one that believes there's not a climate problem and that Adam and Eve rode on dinosaurs 6,000 years ago. Lead is toxic to the human body. There's no way to fully eliminate it once it's in your system, and children are the most damaged by it.

By taking away the city's clean drinking water in order to "cut costs," and then switching the city's water supply to Flint River water, you have allowed massively unsafe levels of pollutants and lead into the water that travels into everyone's home. Every Flint resident is trapped by this environmental nightmare which you, Governor, have created.”

“I am calling upon my fellow Michiganders -- and seekers of justice everywhere -- to petition U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, asking her to arrest you for corruption and assault (i.e., the physical assault you committed against the children of Flint when you knowingly poisoned them).”

Michael Moore’s website calling for Governor Snyder’s arrest for violation of the civil liberties of thousands of people:

World Health Organization on lead:

  • Lead is a cumulative toxicant that affects multiple body systems and is particularly harmful to young children.
  • Childhood lead exposure is estimated to contribute to about 600 000 new cases of children developing intellectual disabilities every year.
  • Lead exposure is estimated to account for 143 000 deaths per year with the highest burden in developing regions.
  • About one half of the burden of disease from lead occurs in the WHO South-East Asia Region, with about one-fifth each in the WHO Western Pacific and Eastern Mediterranean Regions.
  • Lead in the body is distributed to the brain, liver, kidney and bones. It is stored in the teeth and bones, where it accumulates over time. Human exposure is usually assessed through the measurement of lead in blood.
  • There is no known level of lead exposure that is considered safe.
  • Lead poisoning is entirely preventable.

Sources and routes of exposure

People can become exposed to lead through occupational and environmental sources. This mainly results from:
  • inhalation of lead particles generated by burning materials containing lead, e.g. during smelting, informal recycling, stripping leaded paint and using leaded gasoline; and
  • ingestion of lead-contaminated dust, water (from leaded pipes), food (from lead-glazed or lead-soldered containers).

How to file a complaint on behalf of the citizens of Flint with the United States Justice Department:
Washington Post: The heroic professor who helped uncover the Flint lead water crisis​ has been asked to fix it:

All Rights Reserved: End All Suffering and James G. Mason, January, 2016. http://EndAllSuffering.Org
#LeadPoisoning #Lead #FLintMichigan #GovRickSnyder #EPA #USDOJ #POTUS #MichaelMoore #RachelMaddow #EndAllSuffering #StopAllSuffering #JamesGMason #Opinion