The Vision of the March Toward the End of All Suffering:
Looking for smart and passion driven folks. Get on-board with the not for profit company that will change the world. Change is embraced here. Hunger must end. Kids must rise-up to full potential. Music and art and comedy will follow us. Science education must be embraced as our best hope for the future. Education must become a worldwide priority. Change is upon us and it is coming fast. This Earth is soon going to be a very different planet.
Transparency and accountability:
Anyone giving to our organization must be assured that we are not giving to any organization not performing goodness and not doing what needs to be done.
Transparency of the books of accounting will be the primary method of assuring donors that we are indeed above-board and honest and fully accountable towards this ethic.
My vision of both accountability and transparency that will allow all donors to keep constant track of the efficiency and distribution of donations is to present a running and live old fashioned ticker board, in LED lighting that is displayed by live webcam on the foundation’s main page. That board of numbers will list our daily bookkeeping numbers on one board and on another board the organizations we are giving to daily, weekly and monthly and the exact amounts those organizations receive from End All Suffering. In this manner full accountability as consistent with those numbers will be visible to all the world.
Myself, James Gray Mason who will found the End All Suffering foundation as a company that never keeps a profit and that gives allot.
Now for the freaky part:
I am the discoverer of Paradox One. This is only relevant to the End All Suffering foundation because it is likely that I successfully made myself a target and in doing so I became a new person who chose to begin to build End All Suffering. The end of all suffering is what I want and I know we can do it. I always have. A breach of spacetime on Earth was likely. I saw it as so. What I had not realized until later in 2015 was that a new dimension of us was the only way it could be done. To my joy I discovered that I was successful before I created the website: Time Travel Wish, on November 25th of 2014.
July 2015. Seen by those watching because I made them look.
Few in the world know it or will recognize it is true because we're a very competitive and very self absorbed people at this time and many of us cannot fathom the possible. We really can't fathom it happens to a person without higher academic credentials who is not a scientist. But I do.
I not only imagine the possible but I begin those imaginings with what we know currently and the history of humankind’s progress of great achievement. I then see those possibilities as reasonable in our future. We have been given another chance. I acted on that possibility that we may. That was my feeling about possibility when I chose to create Time Travel Wish on a whim, and that shall remain a code of behavior that I wish we could all embrace.
I had owned all of the End All Suffering and Stop All Suffering domain names for a few years prior to the discovery and my realization: "I must keep them. I must make them what they can be: the most aggressive and the greatest charity on Earth."
At first I had been keeping them from for-profit health care, insurance and pharmaceutical companies because it was the Buddha's ethic and should not belong to them. In my struggle with poverty (Americanized) I also had many months when I was resolved to sell them for big-bucks then be wealthy. But after Time Travel Wish and all that I was faced with seeing and I could no longer deny as mere coincidence - that change is what you see here. Now I need humanity to get-on-board with my vision. It is going to rock. We will see day when no one on this planet can be found to be without a meal and knowledge of where and when that next meal will come from.
2015 in May. The time when I realized it is true and I should begin to embrace the possibility that I had done it.
That time is when this out-spoken atheist realized:
That old (disrespectful) inverted cross, now repaired, has become the symbol you see gracing this beautiful planet on the logo for the End All Suffering foundation. It is covering the Earth in the darkness of its shadow but I have confidence that there shall be light underneath. That is why the continent of Africa is exhibiting an abundance of vegetation.
My change is ours now. My hope for all of us is ours now. That is one very good reason why: when choosing staff for this foundation, those have have changed and want recognition for that change will be given a biased good look at who they are now.
Above: The graphic from early February, 2015, when I first entertained it may be true because coincidence of the physical was far beyond that concept in language that dismisses the strongly related. I was at that time beside myself with joy and anticipation of the amazing happening to me and to all of us here and right now. A year and a month later I still feel it. I now am sharing that joy and hope with the world.
My history of advocacy in defiance:
coming . . . 2/11/2016
Levittown. My uncle and my aunt. A few years later I was born while in the family of my grandparents in Chestertown, Maryland, USA.
There are no photos of me as a baby. I have only recently learned why that is so: there was serious and yet decided upon talk that I should be adopted out, or placed in an orphanage. That undecided question may have remained unresolved into my toddler years. Thanks mom. I know it must have been a terrible time at sixteen years old and living in that time in 1961 in what they called "Levittown, New York." They had to move and those reasons may be related to my approaching birth, but I may never know if that is so. I don't very much care about the past any longer.

6 years old. Seeing far more than they thought that I could. Never still while awake.
She had tried Ritalin and it was working for awhile. But then the divorce and the artist was born and she forgot about that disorder and I never enjoyed a day of school, until age 31 and I entered college.
A printer in 1980. The beginning of working with my hands. Me and David at top. Where are you David? |
Massachusetts, 1989. A Master Plumber.

1995, Starbucks, Monterey, California. Reading every single essay of political opinion in Liberal Opinion Weekly for more than 15 years. I now know conservatives and liberals of the United States very well. I know who they are and how they think. I choose liberal. I chose reason.
2012: That's me on the right. Trying to wake up the community to big bad banking at Bank of America. It took me only 1 day to get 20 people to show up. "Bad for the 99%."
1996: "Mr Jimmy" at Radio Free Monterey, a pirate station with full internet capability.
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The first social network was my creation in 1996. Full interactivity. Community from around the world coming together. Built from scratch with no background in electronics. Streaming real time video in stereo and full contact with the DJ, Full live chat in one interface. Fighting Washington for Low Power FM for the people. We won. http://RadioFreeMonterey.Org The atheist now reformed: |
Jeez, I have some making up to do.
Washington D.C., 2002: I still very much want what my sign is stating.
The old and disrespectful James: Don't look at my nipples!
Full disclosure! My Facebook account:
My personal weblog since 2003: