End All Suffering very much wants to support the growth of the Stop All Suffering company. Because this company will be constantly giving to the End All Suffering foundation gifts of all of its proceeds above operating expenses. I know this because James (yes me) said this to James (yes me again) in a long conversation over drinks one night. Then we shook hands. James used his left hand and James used his right hand. ;-)
From the owner of the Stop All Suffering company. A declaration of intent:
We will sell products that carry the logo of the wonderful new End All Suffering foundation. We will also sell the artwork of the many new and aspiring artists of the world that the End All Suffering foundation promotes.
It is agreed by mutual consent of the single owner of one company and the founder of another company - who happens to be the same person:
The sale of these products will be the only source of donation income that will be gifted to the End All Suffering foundational company. In this manner there will be no donations to End All Suffering from anyone on Earth or in the United States of America. There will be the proceeds of sales from Stop All Suffering freely given to the End All Suffering foundational company in a gesture of kindness and in support for the stated goals of the End All Suffering foundational company.
Sounds like business trickery, does it not?
It is, but this trickery is a result in adaptation of the United States Internal Revenue Service’s highly restricted and official taxation definitions of what a non-profit entity is and is not. It is how the End All Suffering foundational company can continue its stated goals of being opinionated and aggressive and can then endorse and support political candidates and representatives, both at home and throughout the world.
End All Suffering foundation is a name because it really will be a foundation of the basis of support for all charities donated to by End All Suffering. Foundation in this sense means the sturdy base of the beginning and support for the charitable giving we will provide to many charitable organizations throughout the United States and the Earth.
1: the act of founding
2: a basis (as a tenet, principle, or axiom) upon which something stands or is supported <the foundations of geometry> <the rumor is without foundation, in fact>
If you the consumer likes the stated goals of the End All Suffering foundation and you want to see to it that the foundation continues to give much-needed funds to many charities in your community and in the worldwide community, you can do so by buying wonder products of logo design and of the artwork of many great new and aspiring artists from the retail internet company Stop All Suffering. You are also freely allowed to gift any support to the Stop All Suffering company to continue to grow in its business enterprise of employing people and supporting goodness and art.
Below is a couple of examples of logo decorated products that carry the name of a foundational company that Stop All Suffering really likes very much [kisses End All Suffering!] (Psst: let's get together again buddy!):
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One of the James's |
All Rights Reserved: Stop All Suffering / End All Suffering, 2016