Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:

Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:
Discovery of the secretly indicated location of the Alien Stone in the time traveled image from Google that met my time travel communication experiment in November 2014.

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer
End All Suffering on Twitter: Watching us again fail to SEE Medicare for All / Single f-ing Payer!

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon
You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per month.


Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Congratulations to mom and many other local activists. Many who have become energized to fight and stand up and stand out against intolerance. This sign was repainted after being vandalized by local "Tumpians," in the East Haddam, Connecticut area. It’s a beautiful area to live in and those as*holes who did that are actually part of my community and they are really the only ugly part of living here.

Responsibility for who we have become and preventing us from becoming worse is ours now. It is now a part of being a responsible and active citizen, now, now that the era of the final rise of intolerance and now fascism and plutocracies, as those proven dysfunctional behaviors make their final stand in our communities.

Thanks, mom. We’ll march again, in the freezing cold together in January.

#Intolerence #CAIR #Muslims #immigrants #Women #LBGTQRights #Tolerance #Bigotry #Hate #EastHaddamCT #Connecticut #UnitedStates #HOPE #ACLU #endallsuffering #stopallsuffering


#DonaldJTrump #trump2016

#Republicans #Democrats