Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:

Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:
Discovery of the secretly indicated location of the Alien Stone in the time traveled image from Google that met my time travel communication experiment in November 2014.

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer
End All Suffering on Twitter: Watching us again fail to SEE Medicare for All / Single f-ing Payer!

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon
You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per month.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Celebrity Endorsements Bring Out the Lazy Voters - Is That What We Want


Taylor Swift's Harris Endorsement Drives Hordes to Vote.Gov.

Hordes of the otherwise non-curious in participating in and understanding democracy. Is this what we want? Lazy voters who require a pop singer's encouragement? Does that help the cause of a better and wiser self-government?

Why would it?

When a nonpolitical actor like a celebrity endorses a candidate, it is interference in democracy because we let anybody vote regardless of their knowledge of our history, our civics, and our true, current events. The result is an encouragement of typically disinterested persons who are fans of a celebrity who will vote based on their endorsement of a potential representative; that is the opposite of what the Founders wanted, an informed public of individuals using their own minds.

That this occurs is an example of how this nation takes for granted the privilege of voting, not respecting it, because voting is supposed to be an intellectual process conducted by individuals. Its outcomes are not supposed to be determined by hordes of the politically lazy who will see an entertainer's choices and go along.

- James, HME

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