Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:

Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:
Discovery of the secretly indicated location of the Alien Stone in the time traveled image from Google that met my time travel communication experiment in November 2014.

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer
End All Suffering on Twitter: Watching us again fail to SEE Medicare for All / Single f-ing Payer!

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon
You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per month.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Celebrity Endorsements Bring Out the Lazy Voters - Is That What We Want


Taylor Swift's Harris Endorsement Drives Hordes to Vote.Gov.

Hordes of the otherwise non-curious in participating in and understanding democracy. Is this what we want? Lazy voters who require a pop singer's encouragement? Does that help the cause of a better and wiser self-government?

Why would it?

When a nonpolitical actor like a celebrity endorses a candidate, it is interference in democracy because we let anybody vote regardless of their knowledge of our history, our civics, and our true, current events. The result is an encouragement of typically disinterested persons who are fans of a celebrity who will vote based on their endorsement of a potential representative; that is the opposite of what the Founders wanted, an informed public of individuals using their own minds.

That this occurs is an example of how this nation takes for granted the privilege of voting, not respecting it, because voting is supposed to be an intellectual process conducted by individuals. Its outcomes are not supposed to be determined by hordes of the politically lazy who will see an entertainer's choices and go along.

- James, HME

Sunday, September 8, 2024

To Use Democracy Reading is Fundamental to Test to Vote


"FREEDOM to VOTE!"  πŸ˜πŸ’–

Please imagine that to a framer of the United States Constitution, one way of being politically incorrect would have been discussing one's fear of ignorant voters aloud or in any print. In a new country experimenting with self-government by the vote, it would have been perceived as an insult to the masses (commoners) to say it. Long after State ratification, the discussion became safer.

So, the civil right to vote, or any mention of that, is left out of the entire United States Constitution. An age restriction of 21 to become eligible to vote (nationwide). The former was the only test possible to have some assurance to the community that people without wisdom or knowledge would not destroy the nation, States, towns, and cities. There had to be an age restriction because ninety percent of the electorate was illiterate; they could not be tested for a minimum safe degree of knowledge of our history, civics, and current events, all essential knowledge to participate in a self-run government that is sincerely chosen through an intellectual process.

Please think now about voter testing because using democracy as the intellectual process it was designed to be reading is fundamental, and now the electorate can do it.

We have all lost when a party or someone wins an election and it is later discovered that it was a wrong decision.

Democracy must begin to be taken seriously. Voting is now very dangerous because if a government can launch a war that obliterates the Earth, you betcha we should be testing those who can make the wrong decision.

Here's a picture of pure ignorance in the form of violent rioters and the person who sent them. All were allowed to participate in our self-government freely, with no judgment by their community of their knowledge of what is right and true or American. On January 6 2021, they were operating on completely false assertions:

We can all read now. We take on average 112 tests before leaving high school. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

A Few Months of Formerly Twitter Posts on End All Suffering

 6.17 Monday


The Fed wants tobacco packaging-style warnings on all social media platforms. Something else society will adapt to ignore, allowing several large corporations to carry on. 

However, to my observation, those warnings only inferred to the user that they would be responsible for their cancer and heart disease if they ever got it, not the tobacco company; smoke up!

They are failures.

Likewise, the I AM 18 YEARS or OLDER click-thru buttons are also a failure. And ridiculous.


If you get your #news information from anecdotes on social media and news opinion shows that continuously validate your feelings, you will repeatedly fail the Current Events section of your local Voter Registration Test until you stop that alternative s__t and wake up and join reality and take in some mainstream news journalism.

#VoterTesting Now, because the new Fake News is here to stay unless the Constitution is changed, and #democracy can't function long while we try to communicate and debate with opposing sides using different facts.

The current events questions will be contributed by local public high school Social Studies teachers.

You can read more at because, in a powerful nation, voting is a dangerous privilege, not some easy and convenient right to take for granted.


At this time, a well-distributed television commercial that is not in normal high definition will not be easy to forget. 



Whoa there! A correction needs to be made, or history is getting twisted by bad journalism: "Trump was convicted last month of 34 felonies related to an effort to conceal payments to an adult-film star to cover up an alleged extramarital affair."

Trump's goal in concealing the payments was to hide the affair not from his wife but from the American voters of 2016, making his win and his presidency illegitimate. 





What will the USA be like if somebody explodes a large bomb here? An atomic detonation.

Hundreds of thousands or millions would be dead.

Will we unite to defeat the enemy?



#BigPharma , I've got it, the best pill invention yet;

A series of harmless pills that address no disease but make fascinating changes to the body. Fabulous sales potential:

NippleO creates freaky nipples for 12 hours. Weird! Great at parties. Never the same.


The Second Amendment is not sacred, it's stupid and deadly. For most of our history, it was correctly interpreted until lobbying in the US went out of control and practically purchased Scalia's Supreme Court. If you believe in the new twisted interpretation, you're likely a biased gun, gun-owning, selfish person.

The 2008 ruling in Heller can be reversed in Congress or by another case with the standing of harm from it. It's bendable, loose, and weak. The second can be history in 10 years. ⤵️


Very important to me. I had a 19 y.o. sister who died from a gunshot wound by her boyfriend with dad's pistol. They had practiced at the range together as father and son with a gun.

I also see that the US now has more guns than people alive, and so we have children dying in schools and rehearsing mass shootings instead of something peaceful.

Guns are not needed in daily life. I say, ban them all and confiscate door to door; I have zero respect for an American gun owner today. I can never accept the second amendment granted an individual right to tote a death tool, neither could any high court until 2008. The US is alone and unique in this current state. The situation is both asinine and immature and horrific.


This just in: all in the United States need a cognitive test. 


Unfortunately, idiots like you had the same idea decades ago and there are now more guns than people alive in the USA, and that has solved nothing, only created more dead children and frightened citizens and the end of safe and civil discussion.

#guns #NRA assholes

#UnitedStates of dipshits with guns. Pussies


#Antisemitism is in many forms.

*"Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity."

Much like the young mobile mob of moronic pro-Palestinian protestors who took over a subway car, shown in this video.

Since the #IsraelHamasWar began, and in the USA, antisemitism has come as protesting, but this scene shows a line of civility being crossed.

Outrage is not enough; spankings are needed.

The mob participants act like they have an invisible card of privilege or allowance. If this is the average Gen Z'er, they're a f__ked up generation.

It's good for this punk in the sunglasses I was not in that train car.

I would have raised my hand high, "Hey asshole, I'm a zionist, you hateful f__k" as I quickly moved toward him to take his punk ass down by his tiny balls.

Who the f__k did these little s__ts think they were?

Where did they think they were? Germany 1938? They were practicing fascistic behavior. They need to return to history classes.

- James, HME

"Video shows apparent pro-Palestinian protesters on a crowded subway car at New York City's Union Square subway station, yelling as part of a call-and-response chant, "Raise your hand if you're a Zionist...this is your chance to get out.""

*(holocaustremembrance .com)


From (holocaustremembrance .com): "Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity."

In bold because that is foundational to understanding, and it's also why a person may be walking on thin ice if criticizing the political and geographic existence of the state.


Cspan wj

A #flattax is a massive gain for the wealthy. It's almost a conspiracy of the rich, Forbes loved it. This meme I made 30 years ago on the subject explains the comparative relative value of the different economic classes, or, $10 to Elon Musk is dust underfoot as far as loss or gain, but it is significant to me to eat.

a pinback button for raising awareness:

A Flat Tax is an equal fraction that is never the same.


"Sharks are a "physical distillation of what Trump hates the most: power in the hands of anyone but him, existential uncertainty, nature.""

πŸ˜†πŸ˜…I was ten eleven when Jaws came out and was so into it (hating sharks), I was reading paperback books of REAL Shark Attacks!


You're a political romanticist, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I've been there on this issue, and the problem is sociological and behavioral, not something a constitutional restriction can change. Forming into parties is almost Darwinian in its predictability.


I'm with the guy who wants better employees. 

I want better voters, more quality, and an end to every election's crazed headhunting.

I want #VoterTesting Now, because it is ignorance eligible to vote that will destroy what has been built.


That caller lost cred right-away. On any side of anything, there are actual nutcases, and they disguise themselves to get through on the line, or into White Houses and things like that. πŸ˜…


This guy and the NPO are right-wing. Clearly, anti-Biden and pro-Trump reading dominates the website.

Somebody ask him how he feels about Trump's contribution to the National Debt??

First example of bias for Trump in Headline and Biline of one of several short essays;

Biden Administration Revokes Work Incentives for Medicaid

The Biden administration continues its onslaught against innovative and effective Trump administration policies.


To some candidate in Maryland advertising nationwide

This cross-district soliciting for funds should be illegal campaign financing. It's antithetical to representative democracy. I'm in Connecticut being asked to fund a race in Maryland, and in cold reality, money is speech and representative power in the USA (without public campaign financing), and this robs it from Maryland voters in her district.

You should all be pissed. She should challenger her opponent/s to isolate fundraising to the district.

Don't be anti #democracy?


So inclusive. πŸ™„ He only speaks to his base.

He's a bigot first, a racist second, misogynist, grifter, a psychopathically chronic liar, an America basher, a government hater, a constitution violator, a convicted felon, a draft dodger, a contract breaker, a litigation society King, a low IQ traitor to democracy.


You know, if this pharma product were Milfepristone, it would sell better. Maybe.

Hmm, Roberts; why don't we see this product on your cable network? It would be a service to those who can no longer see a doctor for unexpected pregnancy.

Too controversial? Too afraid. Other advertisers would go elsewhere. Too bad. 


She would be right if we did not have a politically divided news universe in the USA. She may be in denial of that.

The other side will never see in the news televised Trump that they watch, the Trump of true madness.


Where's the post with the video of the young new antisemites on the train, so that your viewers can discuss something that won't change without discussion?

It was discussed on-air, I don't get it.

You can't take the heat it may cause on threads?

Hire a moderator?? Take democracy seriously.


The most selfish motor vehicle operators worldwide are the inconsiderate #HarleyDavidson riders.


Their insensitivity may indicate their selfishness.

I write of the very loud noise that disturbs living and sleeping everywhere those machines are found, you selfish ____f_cks reading this know who you are.

Vanity is also massive among these lug-heads. Watch them ride without a helmet; that's their vain need to be seen. 


The USA is the home of the '6/10ths Democracy'. 

I feel strongly that the axiom, its quality, not quantity, has great truth in this context. 

#Democracy is sacred, and I observe that the people of the United States do not treat it so.

It is the time to lean on Representative Democracy and steer away from the well-exhausted mass quantities of voters "will save us" mentality.

The axiom, the quality, not the quantity, has great truth in this context.  

We want it to be easy and convenient, and we believe without evidence that if voting had not been easy enough, that may have caused poor government or terrible leadership decisions. 

It was the electorate's knowledge quality in the most challenging environment ever, including the polarized news information crisis.






Fuck you.

You're a dumbass for not using your words to explain why you think this is objectionable. I can engage in discussion, but not with dumbasses who post insults and run off like children.


Fuck you, Moron.

This is for every single voter, not one left out. 

Fuck you for accusing me of discriminating against a group of humans. Dumb shit.

You are an example of civics ignorance.

A state controls voting, and the entire electorate votes the same way. Everybody who wants to vote must take the written exam. 

And there is no right to vote in the United States. There are a lot of fools who think there is. 



6.13.24 Thursday

Seriously, if having money keeps a roof over your head, healthy food in your stomach, proper education in your mind, disease away, and overall less stressful living, then why is it that stealing it or defrauding somebody of it is not punished as seriously as violent crime is?


#Justice ⚖️

The answer is that the law begins with and maintains community standards of what a crime is and punishable to what degree, so ask your community this question.


I want a corporal punishment designed to administer 24 hours of agony to any rich fucker (πŸ‘) who is found guilty of a crime, for the number of days they stayed free while using their money to buy a more resourceful defense than 80% of citizens can afford, hogging up our nation's limited court time, instead of pleading guilty from the start and sparing us their years of bullshit.

#DonaldTrump @realDonaldTrump MF, Bitch, Pussy

You may have a right to a jury trial, but you have a moral duty to be honest with your community. From soon forth, you must pay something specifically for abusing that right. #NewRule

James, HME


Support because we can agree that money and power should not be a motive or means of becoming or staying a representative.

They can run solely on the issues, for once.



Right on.

Freedom is the forever separation of Church and State.

Belief-based government will be oppressive.

Allow Trump to win and that moron will allow the religious right to further step on foundational freedoms. The press is his next target.



A company that, along with an app and current wearable health tech, comes to your home immediately after your untimely death to acquire your sex toy chest for burning.


Today #DonaldTrump, the biggest sore loser in the history of the world, returns to the scene of the crime that he committed against all Americans, his oath to protect them, and the concept of a free democracy on 1.6.21, 1,253 days ago; a crime that remains unpunished, because he gets light treatment from our so-called Justice department. 😠

Related News story at NYT; not a free read because you may have voted for this traitorous Mother Fucker of a human.


Remembering why nobody should trust a Texas idiot. 

This man lied his way to the top. His business was dishonesty at the CIA and in the White House. It was during his term the GOP lost all ideas for managing a free society and was taken over by the religious right anti-choice crowd.


I can tell, you're a sh__ty Jew. Self-loathing your heritage, perhaps.

While there are no journalists allowed inside Gaza, the emotional left will keep making up shit it can't see or quantify; for example, using Hamas-controlled death toll numbers from the Hamas-operated Health Ministry while ignoring the horror that all of that population wished on and brought on Israel. Radicalized, they can think about what their beliefs brought them with their dying time.


Remembering why nobody should trust a Texas idiot. 

This man lied his way to the top. His business was dishonesty at the CIA and in the White House. It was during his term the GOP lost all ideas for managing a free society and was taken over by the religious right anti-choice crowd.


Go ahead guys, start behaving on dates that you want a deep and emotional relationship (like the observation suggests) and those same women will peg you as their Prince Charming and have expectations. The next thing you know, you're a man homemaker wearing one of those kitchen aprons and worried about getting a hot dinner on the table before she gets home; speaking of pegging you, she'll have a freak show of BDSM equipment in the basement, you'll have to be attached to every night and day.  πŸ™„ geez


All should be suspicious of Rupert Murdoch of using the WSJ to change the impression that he has been filtering and funneling stories using Fox and World News toward an anti-liberal impression by all viewers; he's been making cover using that editor, it's a pattern. His motive all along is fulfilled: destroy the liberals. It's why he came to the USA. Liberals f___ed his plans of multiple news outlet ownership in Australia. 


Multi-station or newspaper ownership is why people like Murdoch came to the USA. It should be controlled because it's news and easily corrupted by ownership's opinion. 


Tested voters would have exhibited in one question on the test or another that they know a president can't much control consumer prices in the USA, and that Trump's economy was set up by Barack Obama and he just rode it and superheated the top with a huge tax break to the rich.



I just drop my pants, put on a condom, and open the front door.

I once had to beat off a sexually aggressive woman with a stick. And was told when I was ten that I would. 

Weird eh?


Masturbation is too exciting these days. The porn, the devices, it can take 20 minutes to set up, I tell ya.

The USA will need a national sperm bank and a payment system of some kind, for incentive, with sexy robots doing all the 'work'. The ad campaign is forming.


Garland threw #HunterBiden to the conspiracy wolves, who had been hunting for a crime in Hunter's life for over five years. He was betting on some mass psychology political hypothesis, I'm sure.

For a document or a living person, to ask an addict to tell the truth about their addiction and expect any one of them to give an honest answer is fraud in itself.


Saying they love any department of government gives that entire idiot constituency credit for being able to understand what a department does and how. They don't know what's going on. They're like Trump right now, in jibberish mode. 



Would you give your child too much sugar solely for the purpose of your own entertainment?

I answer myself; 

Sure, that sounds like a fun way for a caregiver to kill a couple of hours on any boring afternoon, or morning.

I have no children, of course.


Don't expect a MAGA to understand they've created false and f___ed up parallels.

They're biblical in their reasoning. Their stories feel so solid to them.



It goes to show that if Trump says something is rigged against him, then rigging something is frequently on his mind.

It's neurologically Georgia on his mind.

Had to do it. πŸ™„

6.11 Tuesday

This policy is understandable, and of course, it will be disliked; young people want to eat out, too.

When the owners stated they wanted a "safe" environment, I suspected this age restriction is gun culture-related and they don’t want that revevaled publicly but the owners do not want a shooting in their restaurant. Young men will be the shooters when it does happen, and it is happening more frequently in every locality. No dining customer will return to a restaurant where they experienced terror during a shootout when there is any other establishment to patronize. 


In the US and later the world, I will order that no pharmaceutical company can advertise its products to anybody but practicing doctors, and those ads must be in private mailings and industry literature only.

You may provide input before my deadline for the end of advertising dangerous drugs to chemically ignorant consumers.


From ttw replies fucking off;

I'm glad that they did go out of their way to find that intolerant Christian bakery; open to most of the public. 

Much like other great activists of history, they found an injustice and created a good stink in order to raise awareness, and or get to the high court. 

It's very American.

Like this woman, Rosa Parks;



I would tell them they are, straight to their ugly faces. 

This fact is becoming very clear: for America to survive, Trump must die. Democracy and justice processes are not stopping him, death would. 

RT if you agree, or, continue to live in hopeful denial.




Re: the span phone lines, between reality and not lines?

I want them to be Left and Right labeled.

Because, even an Independent falls on one side or the other. It's more honest and less political. More philosophical, bending toward ideas in law-making.


She's for 'right to work' state laws, which weaken #unions and their purpose (from within). Unions raise local area wages where they exist because all the worker's money is spent locally. Unions are democracy in the workplace. Unions created the weekends, worker's comp insurance, etc... Do you like a policy at work? A union either created it or defended it.


I don't want CSPAN to cover a Trump rally unless they can cover a Biden rally. 

If the People owned this operation and not cable company owners, they might demand fair time rules for all partisan coverage and issue time. 

I hereby request it.


Good question/point;

As it was prior to Reagan/Bush; in this example, the director would find an hour of tape of Biden speaking for his ideas, to run after the Trump rally, to keep complaints of Fair Time violation down to a limited few.


Awwhh. 😟 Is your political love getting an unfair shake these days?

I understand you and others in denial must make a list of b_llsh_t on the opponent to feel stable. It's okay.


Yep. I recall the convict mentioned it once or twice, unlike Infrastructure Week, which was a dozen times or more, but he never stepped on the gas; he did not know how and never learned to progress legislation, thank goodness.



A great example of Trump's threat to democracy is his 2023 revealing of his honest feelings about the US #Constitution, he wants to 'suspend' it.

It indicates that he has learned that many of the things he wants to do as president are suppressed by laws he never understood existed.

He never cared enough to learn our laws and was born here and owes everything he is to that.

Reminder: he has repeatedly indicated that he has never read the US Constitution, not even the Bill of Rights.

1 Year Ago News:

Trump wants to suspend the Constitution video:


Replying to Robert on cspanwj

I think the advocates' goal in the repetition of the term is to raise awareness that abortion treatment is included in the category of 'reproductive health care.' Besides, it's the womb, which gets complicated (I took obstetrics in nursing).

Beyond the vagina, there's another universe!πŸ€ͺ 


I agree it violates a law of Christianity.

This screenshot of Stone's post hides from his rebuttal and knowledge of your follower's critiques. There are a lot of fake posts as screenshots being passed around; you want to make trust, not discourage it.

6.8 Saturday morning


Their creativity and success result from growing up in and living in a liberal democracy. Their jokes are funny because each one contains truth in meaning. The old saying, "It's funny because it's true," describes why their comedy is so appealing. The outrages of the Right provide a ton of new material for them. That sucks for you since you support the right-wing nutjobs they make jokes about. 


Hey there Pastor; You can show this sign to somebody you are in repeated disagreement with, and that will shut them up as you walk away while feeling better (call it grace). Is it grace that is being sought, or is it righteousness and personal space peace because you have ended an argument or any conflict you were failing to win by assigning their behavior to the mysterious mind and walking away?


Not angry and confused?

Have you seen the responses on this thread? They are freaked out and lost as to why the merchant made the sign (even though it's explained on the sign). They are offended because of their own ignorance—the same ignorance that allowed Trump to become elected and then appoint justices who see the world of 200 hundred years ago and like it. They should go back to work in the mines and leave politics alone for those who have the time to understand all complexities. See ya.


Short and quick essay, category;

Eureka! I get it. I have a theory of what is happening to modern society.

We are all increasingly exposed to novel selection pressures of evolution, and Trump is just one of those unique pressures. Hitler was one; slavery was another, religious oppression, occasional conquerors, angry mammoths .... etc.

Earthquakes displacing cave-dwelling tribes would be a natural pressure of evolution. Every Tom, Dick, and Sally on a Social Network is another novel form of evolution pushing factors of the living environment.

I fear this Authoritarian and Moron rise is a rapid environmental form of modern evolution, a Darwinian attempt to eliminate a large portion of the population. Something is going to give.

James, HME


If this ugly person (and ugly soul) had an accident in the shower while in prison, I would have no sympathy and be happy; we don't have to see his gross face any longer.

6.7.24 Friday

On TTW in the afternoon

Agreed. Also, it's interesting that another motive is ulterior; from inside, they can insult Trump supporters on the outside using their sign, and few would be bold enough to enter and give them s__t if they are open to allow it.

It's a Tweet the viewer can't respond to. 😐


Whoops, but refusal of services is legal now that a MAGA appointee-heavy Supreme Court says a bakery owner can refuse to make a cake based on their belief about somebody's behavior.

It did not used to be until 2023. You hit on it.

Accurate summary:,and%20reversed%20the%20Commission's%20decision.


No war should ever be started. 

As Hamas was the government in Gaza, there must be a new one. Israel must occupy and rule every square foot, there is not other way for Gazans to continue. When a generation has grown, perhaps only then can a fully civilian government operate. 



I know if Trump were there, he would do or say something very embarrassing to us all because he has done that. Imagine!

That convict has no f-ing idea of the concept of sacrifice for another, never mind for one's own nation like the veterans in those graves.


Good Morning, Henry;

I don't think so.

It makes for an easy theory, however. It is easy to connect circumstances and infer a corrupt motive, like how the MAGAs in this hemisphere connect things to make their conspiracy theories. It is the days of confusion, with people and lives so complex that they can have their hands in a lot of things. Multiplicities can be true but do not mean a conspiracy or hidden motive.


They're unbelievable. πŸ™„

(I'm so glad I can get high in the  morning or my first thing in the day anger would have killed me years ago)

If they had received news that told the truth since the #StormyDaniels case broke publicly (if they had not been stuck in the right-wing news universe), then they would not have been shocked by his conviction in NY court. That's the unreal part: in America, fifty percent of the population can have its information head-up-its-ass, and then they can be manipulated to feel like their man is under attack by a corrupt system.

This ignorance will destroy a nation. We can't handle a second civil war, and it really looks like it's coming. Trump's biography will begin its story in history's documents. The next paragraph will be about Fox News and the origin of Rupert Murdoch as a news outlet owner.


Somebody made the below AI configured picture:

6.5 Wednesday

I know, it's another one of the stupidest sayings for a political campaign I have ever seen.

They will all jump into the sea if he loses.

Actually, it means they will shoot and kill everybody they feel they need to if Trump does not win the election. It is publicly inciting violence, and each bearer of this sign should be arrested for that.

~~~~On ttw

Doctor #Fauci is not a hero by the standard of the risking or sacrifice of life or even career, but he should be applauded and awarded for doing the job he did during the unique crisis of COVID-19.


Correction: the children of Gaza are starving because of what Hamas did.

Netanyahu's choices are the effect of Hamas' actions, not the cause.



The Pledge of Allegiance should only have to be given once. 

One time. That makes it important.

At the ceremony, each child must have the palm of their hand sliced to bleed out profusely to symbolize their willingness to give their life for the good ol' USA. 


Next idea; shoes that will warn the wearer they are approaching dog poop. one day, maybe.




I guess for many, it's important to be stink-free. I find that weird. I recall several people along with their body odor. I find that normal and covering one's odor is abnormal. When a loved one is lost, you can recall their smell easily; it's like having them again. 

6.3 Monday, have dentist appointment this morning


I'm sick of 'Amidst ...'

Everyone is amidst of something when doing something else unless in a coma, and even that might qualify, we just don't know. Coma victims are not talkative enough. Somebody should invent a way for the comatose to speak. It might be garbage talk amidst other language.



If #MelaniaTrump has been paid not to file for divorce on the pig until after the election, there needs to be a counteroffer from somebody else or a group that can influence her to immediately go through with it.



O n TTW, trolling  

There was a s-ton of hard evidence that was connected by another s-ton of circumstantial evidence that the charges were accurate and the verdict true - for a sham trial.

Johnson insults our most important legal process; and trial is a civil right that all must trust in. It's why we use the jury system. He should have shame.


6.1 Saturday


If you are in need of something to do, here's a productive idea;

Fully memorize a stage or film musical so that you can entertain a group of aliens (or any abductors) to stay alive. It may allow you to survive them.





So-called Independents are a group whose opinions nobody but themselves should be paying attention to; because they exist at all at a time when the character and policy differences between Trump and Biden are as contrasting as night and day, there should be no fence to sit on right now. They're mental. The General Election of POTUS should be a dilemma (of two), as it is, but with a more fair and uniform primary system.


Agreed, and it's a bit late for an appeal to the masses to use the psychology of niceness to influence an entire class of citizens who have absorbed the opposite news universe. Our kindness now will not break through their constant alternative reality. Only if they shut it off. 



#Rump <- are you also sick of writing his name?

If we lived in an oppressive fascist state that is about to hang #Trump after a fast show trial, I would be one of the cheering sheep in the front row at the gallows, with a sandwich.



This is too unique to proclaim the generality 'no one is above the law.'  Many Americans are above the law because the system allows a higher quality of defense for those with higher incomes. An innocent person will be convicted today.


On ttw pots troll

And what about the seating!?

There should be private booths with individual air and temperature control, seats you can pee in, surround sound, butt and back vibration, foot massagers, and a box of tissue paper. Jesus! #VoteBiden! And more Smokehouse almonds, and stewardesses!


Foundationally, it was Stormy Daniel's vagina that had the most legal and political impact on Donald Trump's career. And his desire for vagina generally, even if hundreds of other men have been there.

This was a #vagina victory, and they deserve full credit.

They're okay. πŸ‘


I know it! lol

I stopped at Hillary was conducting election interference. Stopped cold. LOL 🀣

He must mean her campaign buying the information report of the agency of the British ex MI5 agent, Steele; that had been paid for (begun) by a conservative group.

Maybe unethical, not illegal.


Hey William. Thanks for asking.

I like New Jersey beach confinement. It's new.

The convicted get no umbrella or cooler and must stay on the beach blanket where the public can toss rotten vegetables and animal feces at him. Or just tell him how they feel?


We need to acknowledge the news information facts crisis and teach that a democracy can not exist honestly with political sides operating with almost opposite information, as it is. I think it's a First Amendment press clause crisis, and that is much harder to admit and face.  


The court case did it? πŸ€£πŸ˜†

Really, not properly finishing the American Civil War by crushing all of them and exiling their families and pets caused all of this. πŸ˜‰


Yep, and because of that Hush Money label, it will have to be argued that it was for years in most conversations.

I like; if Trump did not want to interfere in the 2016 election to his benefit; the entire trial and all charges of law-breaking would not exist. It's foundational.


The Russian and Chinese paid/enlisted false propaganda #trolls will inhabit digital comment threads just like this one, and I am sure there is more than one here now; they post opposite world news, and they pollute with the repetition of fake facts.

@Morning_Joe should consider the importance of turning off their comments ability for all posts until after the general election. That will screw them and will not hurt anybody.


What's your idea to stop this?

I want the USA to own them by Imminent Domain to solve a healthcare cost crisis.

I want to take all of their property and hire their chemists to work for the people.

I will socialize the living s__t out of this country, the capitalist pigs will deserve it.



I apologize for not reading enough to recognize your good intentions. However, you speak of the body as if it has individual freedom as a living being, an irresponsible being. It is far from it. It is only as efficient as it is allowed by the nations that put work and funding into it. It is a democratic body, self-governed by those taking part. It is the Earth. Your subjective analysis falls short of providing evidence for all that you claim are its failings alone. With such broad, subjective negativity, you'll get no help from others like me who believe in the UN and will not give up. You would accomplish more in saving this planet if you worked with me, who is in contact with those who can order the rulers of this world to become responsible citizens. The alien Satan is going to be teaching humans a lesson, I hope you will remain alive and healthy to watch. The United Nations will be the only authority on the planet that can speak for all. The group will be the Earth's force and the Earth's democratic decision-maker. We are not alone out here, and so it is time to unify because of contact with our neighbors.

We have no choice. Take care, Paul.

- James Mason, His Man on the Earth

Devils Wharf, Connecticut, USA


On TTW at morning joe

It's an information fight and, sadly, a factual information fight. A battle against universe B.

It's so bad now, I think the SNs should show their respect and admission of their role in disinformation and democracy breaking down and shut down for 3 months before the general; they can build a responsible network while dark.


Trool to potus

And what about the seating!?

There should be private booths with individual air so you never have to smell somebody else's farts, only your own, seats you can pee in, surround sound, butt and back vibration, foot massagers, and a box of tissue paper. Jesus! #VoteBiden!



At ttw

I am two years under the end year of that classification. I was born to a mother who was born during the war. I have more in common with them than I do someone born in the 1970s, including all of their technology, and I absorbed most of their entertainment and culture. FYI, There was not a lot of children's television, despite Howdy Doody and a few shows one day per week. It was up to local TV stations.


The local Pooping Pits are just one idea for criminal justice reform, their purpose is to have a physically harmless manner of punishing white-collar criminals, such as Donald Trump is, so far;

It's a place in the back of the court building where convicted felons of WC crime get shit on by local crappers from the nearby restaurant, who are subsidized to eat extra onions on a large amount of food before serving the sentence on the tax cheat bound in a deep hole under an outhouse, or fraudster, for example.



If he were not a golfer in the tournament, would he have been released?

In all cases of a regular guy or a minority, would not the cop's word be taken as more truthful than the driver's story?

It is logical because it is predictable human behavior; I think #Scheffler did hit the gas with impatience and anger, thinking the cop was a security guard and that he was better and more important (and in an hurry), and all of you are defending him first because of your bias for ball sports players and you find agreement because of the stereotype that all cops lie to protect their jobs.


To Musk;

I want you to shut down this platform until after the general election in the US.

Because, you are not controlling disinformation and misinformation about our government and elections. It is irresponsible and disrespectful.

This SN should be dysfunctional for 90 days prior.


In this manner, you will use control over this problem, set an example of seriousness about protecting democracy, and do something about disinformation. This action will harm nobody and greatly help our process be more honest.

It's a request and not a demand, but it could be.

Loot at this ability, brilliant tech meister; a being/alien stopping time to fool around with vapor and fire in a 0/zero (not micro) gravity environment to communicate to all Earthlings and me, what my job is here. You will heed my suggestions.  



In 62' with the rest of the boomers. Hell, they're already getting blamed for almost everything. I want out of the classification because I'm one of the blamers. They made the decision to make many junk foods smaller; I just know it. 



It would be consistent with Trump's behavior if he and his lawyers found a jurist to accept a bribe of up to and possibly over $500,000 to hold out and be the one juror who casts doubt and causes an acquittal; destroying justice for all.



That's actually a damning article about Trump's behavior, thank you. It was clouded by all the other outrageous news about Trump's actions in October 2020; thank you. It's no wonder he lost the vote count by +8 million.

"Trump has used the VA Choice assertion in part to create a false sense of accomplishment and to elevate himself while diminishing McCain and Obama.

As Trump repeated the mistruth, he grew bolder, claiming falsely that the legislation had, as he said at one 2018 event, “eluded us for 40 years? 50 years?” He also downplayed McCain’s role, using the legislation as a cudgel to attack the former Vietnam prisoner of war and diminish his contributions."

5.27.24 Monday

I would think any state-issued identification would do, like many states. By the way, is not further restricting access to voting inconsistent with living freely or choosing to die?

This cultural stand is a legislative parade float called America First. I used to live just over the border, and that isolationist attitude is not my impression of people in New Hampshire.


Is that State's motto a declaration of suicide intent if what they feel is government oppression occurs? Extortion by self-death threat. Geez. I would just resist. I think they are harmful to themselves or others and must be detained.



 #Hmm ….. Those vegetable and fruit supplement pills; 

How much of the nutrient in the pills is on average pooped out daily? What's the ratio of waste to nutrients used by the body? That's a question the #BalanceofNature company would never want to discover or print on their bottles. Is it 99% pooped? 80%? There is a strong amount, or what is deposited in the toilet bowl would not be black with nutrient waste, from a liver and kidneys unable to process all that processed crushed vegetable; from a body that's physiology took what it could use and discarded the rest, a lot of 'the rest'. The jet black color of feces of the high vegetable nutrient consumer should be a matter of concern, it is a symptom of the body’s rejection of high iron composition green vegetables. Each day, they consumed far more of that iron content than necessary. I believe the stress on organs related to absorption of nutrients will be too much for a person expecting to live past age 80 or so. 

5.26.24 Sunday

Labor Tariff

So, there will be a #Labor Difference tariff on all reimported products, like I've been suggesting for years?

That measure, years ago, would have stopped the massive amount of job losses from production heavy regions, for CHEAP LABOR.  😠

It's the ONLY tariff we ever needed.


#MemorialDay2024 #USMC


"But I’ve come to feel that airbrushing out the complexities of their wars is, ultimately, disrespectful to the dead. We owe it to the dead to remember what mattered to them, the ideals they held, as well as how those ideals were betrayed or failed to match reality."

 - Phil Klay; novelist and a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq War.

Link, free read without a subscription:


5.25.24 Saturday on TTW:

On ttw

We shacked up for 11 years.

I was her escort, as advertised on my own website, in 1998.

All that remains from that business, besides the many emails, is this broken jpeg:


#CreditCardDebt dammit .....

#CreditReliefNow ?

#CollegeLoans are large-limit credit cards for living wealthier, healthier, and happier forever.


And the winner is, the Christian comedian.

The irony is, I can't believe you exist.

If you have a stale joke do you give it to the Catholics to be passed around and eaten?

Are the audience members who fall asleep during your shows the atheists? Busted?

As a prop do you drag a crucifix on stage? That would be so funny! πŸ˜†Dragging it. A big crucifix. Oh, the laughs!


#UCLAprotest of #IsraelHamasWar

One violent rabble-rouser was arrested nearly three weeks after disrupting the protest, swinging a wooden poll.

 "(suspect’s) mother told CNN that the man seen in those videos was her son..... She told CNN last week that her son was a high school senior with plans to join the Israeli military.

Not a Free Read at NYT:


I've said, hopefully, that those 187 minutes of sitting around and not calling in support should sink him. But be prepared: We may never see justice due to the Supreme Court's delay on the Immunity claim. If he becomes POTUS again, there will never be accountability.


On EAS ……


#Sex thinking and #Jesus !

Picture Comments; 

After this use, it's likely somebody brought home this vagina and hung it on their wall. Possibly in their living room. 


Is that really appropriate?

Begin Jokes here;

1. A secluded greenhouse would be better, due to the warmth, moisture and giant dildoing it's going to need.

Joke 2. And now it is Sunday; let us pause and consider what would #Jesus and his disciples do if out for a walk (haha) and they came upon this super large #vagina (pic) on the side of the road and Mary is not with them to inform them of its identity.

They would immediately throw stones at it and beat it with sticks, then talk about sports for three hours, going on and on about a ball, some guy swinging a stick, and a hole. 



I’ll just spare the intended receiver and post it here, the black hole of tweets. 

Agreed. And I believe the point is that every adult, while awake and everywhere, would have to be armed with equal firepower as all criminals in order to stop crime with guns using guns, and that that only imagined and suspected to be a hazardous state of society would have to be mandated.

I'll also point out that each armed adult will have to have clairvoyant knowledge of when and where the criminal's gun will be pointed at them, for one reason, so they don't get killed first in the encounters (as shooting to kill first would become the standard of all criminals). Bye, sorry.


On TTW; Hi. I have watched the issue for 35 years and can assure you that progress in reducing the harm of allowing a flood of guns in the nation is almost completely partisan. A lobbying group has ensured that, they found a home in the GOP. And nobody gives up; the congress changes sides for years, and two houses must be aligned with a willing president. The high courts stacked with conservatives make matters worse. See ya.


All of those things are speculation based on conspiracist methodologies for making 'truth' connections, and Fox News weeknight opinions. And those anti-war protestors are a minority of Democrats like the Branch Davidians were yours. Fuckhead.


Hey! Why the insults? Trolling paid by Putin?

Do you think they only work when you see them on the screen?

That's a child's view of television production, did you vote for Trump by any chance?


Trump brings every bit of it on himself.

And you and him are acting like irresponsible children blaming anybody but yourselves with your victimhood b___sh_t.

Good Americans take responsibility.


Because we have a shallow electorate that would vote for a dictator a__hole based only on their opinion of gas prices and breakfast cereal costs, so, because we are not a socialist state (owning the oil fields), Biden can do nothing to keep gas prices down but this. Trump would also release some reserves to please the NASCAR group. 




#Schefler ?

The average low-income guy, black or white, would have spent a night in jail and would now be facing thousands in court fees and fines. And this reliance on a video camera for testimony is modern and should not be cause for delay or no action; the cop's word should taken as the truth by the judge and jurists, as it is taken in nearly all cases of arrest by the first jurist. 

5.23 Thursday


Growing in no brains world is an #AssassinationPlot against #Trump conspiracy, tossed out by Trump and a pack of idiots.

The only thing good about creating fiery false news like this is people get to write ass twice. As AG Garland states, the document was standard form, no agent was trying to begin a shootout, and the FBI knew Trump was not at the Floridian skank palace.

Related News, Tuesday:


To POTUS, Joking

I need a credit card relief package. We real working people (without college degrees) all charged up our consumer credit accounts during the COVID crisis on sex toys from Amazon, for example, and so we need some kind of relief from someplace. Somewhere?





If a serial killer was free in your community and successfully murdering three to ten of your neighbors every day, what would your reaction be?

What would you want the government to do?

Block all the roads and make the police search behind every door?

What about the next addictive substance? What happens when Molecular Printers are available to the public and those machines will make any drug at home?? In a trailer?


"The reports provide a vivid picture of how the losses from overdose have spread across the city. They showed that fatal overdoses had occurred on every third city block; that bodies had been found in view of some of the city’s most iconic institutions; and that at least 13 children under 4 had died since 2020 after being exposed to drugs."

Related News: (gift article)


In #theFuture a #BigPharma drug that changes your mind?

It does so by changing the memory in the mind.

You may be enjoying your walk on a beautiful street on a sunny and mild day, and then you turn the corner, and that street goes into memory. However, your memory includes five criticisms of that street that you remember as dark, run-down, and filled with garbage, and the next day, your memory of that walk is of a cloudy day.

Worse, a punch bowl spiked with a drug that can do this, or a mass producer of beverages inserting it in a popular product could cause a pessimistic change of mind of nearly everyone and everything. Better, they might use a countering version that causes memories of happy, sunny days and beautiful streets and people.


It's an news #information crisis due to private ownership of news distribution outlets by assholes with a political bent who abuse journalism as Murdoch and Fox News has for 27 years. This is the result! Half the country (the GOP and MAGA side) believes the opposite of the truth.

Democracy was never meant to function with half the nation in the alternative news universe. We're fucked.

The real reason to hang your American flag upside down is this.

It's a news #information crisis due to private ownership of news distribution outlets by assholes with a political bent who abuse journalism as Murdoch, and Fox News has for 27 years.

The evidence:

"Harris poll for The Guardian reveals a significant disconnect between economic reality and public perception in the United States. Despite positive economic indicators such as seven consecutive quarters of GDP growth and a 12% increase in the S&P 500, 56% of Americans believe the country is in a recession. Additionally, 49% mistakenly think unemployment is at a 50-year high, when in reality it is near a 50-year low. The majority of Americans attribute these economic conditions to the Biden administration, highlighting a widespread misunderstanding of the current economic situation."  - Grok News on X with sources


#WednesdayThoughts I got paid for.


In the USA, an adhesive bandage company does not want you to believe that the average number of household cuts is on the decrease. They'll create a dark money D.C. lobby to pump millions of dollars into gifts and campaign donations to elected representatives and candidates to make them sympathetic to stopping published information about cuts and the chances of getting them. They'll encourage the creation of a law that violates the speech of the Anti Cuts and Scrapes League.*

*This message is brought to you by the ACSL, a tax-free educational (if you believe that) association. - remove all private funding of political campaigns, free #democracy.

The next time a Biden economy boast is made, especially about Wall Street, please take advantage to remind the public of this:

Are more people becoming more poor while more people are becomeing more rich in the United States?

Google AI answer: Yes, more people are becoming more poor while more people are becoming more rich in the United States:


In 2022, 12.4% of Americans lived in poverty, up from 7.4% in 2021, and child poverty more than doubled to 12.4%.


In January 2023, Oxfam reported that the richest 1% of the world have gained almost twice as much wealth as the rest of the world combined over the past two years.

Income inequality:

In 2021, the ratio of the 90th- to 10th-percentile of income increased by 4.9% from 2020, meaning that income at the top of the distribution was 13.53 times higher than income at the bottom.

CEO-to-worker compensation:

Over the past 50 years, the CEO-to-worker compensation ratio has increased dramatically, which some economists say has made the gap between rich and poor the largest it's been since before the Great Depression. 


This is too early, but fact polarization is what we are seeing and that is because of the divided news distribution crisis, that hosts at NBC and MSNBC like to blame on anything else; and the press clause of 1A is sacred to them, and this crisis begs a reform of that clause.

#democracy ain't easy


Disassociation from Responsibility for Government

One problem with democracy is that it allows too many to feel disassociated from individual responsibility for government actions. One effect is that mistakes are repeated as government; for example, the next generation of the electorate goes to war again for the wrong reasons.

See that snake eating its own tail drawing? See?

That's the USA heading to civil war for the second time. 162 years ago, our nation as we knew it ended, and four years later, we began it again. We are 158 years young this year and swallowing our tail again.

Why? Half the nation believes the government is at fault for their many problems. A demagogue has used that accusatory anger to rise, and a fascist government could be only a few years away. A war against it may be next.


lol. Did you ever realize that conservatives don't reform anything? They eventually go along, but it goes against the very definition of who they are. It's why in self-governing, it's been up to liberals in all cases to create reforms for the better of all.  We are also thinking about them every day and ready to debate and discuss.

We boldly go where no human has gone before.

#Reform #SupremeCourt


The US electorate is shallow voters; the food inflation will cost you the win. I told you once already: Hold a town hall-style meeting with Big Agro. It can explain why the food costs are high, and you can explain why in capitalism (and private ownership of land), there's not a damn thing a president can do to affect food costs. We are at their mercy. Teach them and calm down those grocery shoppers who blame you.


If it were you or I acting the way he does, we would have already served some jail time for contempt of court, three weeks ago.

It's the real Two-Tiered Justice System; the rich have theirs.


#TrumpHushMoney / U.S. Election Fraud

in a bundle of charges/counts;

"What crime?!" some right-wing nutjobs are writing on this platform about the so-called Hush Money Trial of shithead Donald #Trump.

“The indictment centers on allegations that Trump falsified internal business records at his private company while trying to cover up an effort to illegally influence the 2016 election by arranging payments that silenced claims potentially harmful to his candidacy.”

Here's an AP story from April about the charges. The News wants to summarize the story (in nearly all cases of modern news delivery) and that standard lends to the appearance that there is no crime (no specific crime), but white-collar people tend to have complex crimes involving a lot of documentation.

Too many people do not read the news; they want a summary of the news quickly.

It is election fraud, and Trump covered up a truth that if the public knew at the time, would have turned the election for Hillary Clinton, that was his fear in his intent to commit fraud upon every citizen voting.

The 34 charges against him link, and keep in mind, it all is about US election manipulation for his win as 34 charges:


I'm totally uncertain when grocery shopping.

We have an uncertain American trust in news media. We need to officially define what and who news media is. That won't violate 1A.

Because what we do as government by people is based on information, a news media (truth) crisis can destroy the country. We are in it.

We're mostly in denial that it exists. It's a Rupert Murdochian Media Crisis. He began the alternative news business. He came here with desires to own multiple news outlets, which were disallowed to him by the liberals in Australia at the time. He paid for eliminating the FCC Fair Time rule with campaign money for Raegan and the GOP.

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."

- Ben Franklin

False news creates a restricted environment, where one feels truth is only where they exist, who they know, what they do, not what those others (defined) do and who they know and where they are.



#RaΓ―ssi dead; 

#Iran PRESIDENT is DEAD, in Heli crash;

There is the question now about who will be in charge. It could be a crisis of succession. 

Vice Presidents of the USA:

In the USA, we have a Vice President, what's single purpose is NOT to be a co-president, but to be of similar mind of all policy as that of the president we elect. So that the instant the current president is incapacitated (or dead), we already have a new president, no crisis. 

"The helicopter crashed due to a “technical failure,” the IRNA state news agency said in an English-language article paying tribute to Raisi. It appeared to be the first time the cause of the crash was indicated."



By Now You Should Know to Not Try to Make "Make America Great Again" Make Logical Sense

"Trump's supporters seem to like simple answers, so I'll keep this editorial short."



#MAGA meaning .....


As I have told other candidates, she and the others should challenge their opponents to do the same and stay in their own state. If each were civically minded enough, and ethical, they would. I'm glad you agree it's irresponsible. 


Short essay for the blogspot page

Impeach Samuel Alito?

Definitely. On Earth One both Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas would have stepped down respectfully and swiftly. 

The news of his several days (it's reported the upside down US flag hung for two to five days) symbolic agreement with the Big Lie and the attempted coup of Donald TF Trump by hanging our flag vertically inverted on his front lawn was so stimulating of my anger senses that I did not post or reply about it until now, two days later. 

Here's the very important thing: the American people have to trust the Supreme Court. We have no choice. If we disagree with their decisions, it is unlikely our congress will change their rulings with new law, as they are supposed to; and so we are trapped with them in our house of democracy, our home. Lately, the high court have been the abusive head of household that creates a punishing and conservative environment in the home. 

Alito must step down because we can not trust that he will be objective. We have seen his political feelings, and we should not have. 

The stunt of political speech in his front yard can not be reversed, and it can be agreed that it was something an 'extremely involved' person does. 

We must also address the issue of Thomases, particularly Virginia Thomas, and her direct part in aiding the conspiracy against democracy that culminated on 1.6.21. An impeachment of both would be appropriate, no person with clarity of the world today can believe the defense of Ginnie Thomas that the two do not discuss their lives, their political lives.

And, reform of the structure and size of the SCOTUS must come very soon.

Just for pretend sake, I want to state, wow, our congress has their work set out.


James, HME



We must also address the issue of Thomases, particularly Virginia Thomas, and her direct part in aiding the conspiracy against democracy that culminated on 1.6.21. An impeachment of both would be appropriate, no person with clarity of the world today can believe the defense of Ginnie Thomas that the two do not discuss their lives, their political lives.

And, reform of the structure and size of the SCOTUS must come very soon.

Just for pretend sake, I want to state, wow, our congress has their work set out.

James, HME

5.18 Saturday 

There are a lot of teenagers getting shot dead this weekend.

That's something to miss if you're planning on staying home.

#gunviolence #deadteens


He gives tax breaks to the rich, do we have to read a banker's newspaper to answer why they like him?

Is this a free read? πŸ™„


"After a thing like ten seven is done to us, we are not interested in such selfishness as protecting our impression by pacifist nations and others that are not at war! We have to find hostages and punish those who did this now and worry about the consequences of appearances later. See how easy it is from your couch to opine of our strategy."

- An  Israeli

Not posted.



Offering answers is all over my content, if you set notifications you'll see positive answers to persistent problems in my content. In the last 24 hours the issues are at least five and thousands of words. I'm far deeper than some passerby with a complaint. You see them because of our commonalities, by the way. 

lol; great example from yesterday morning of both one of my worldwide threat (style) posts and a solution offered (a positive). Early mornings, before a doob or two, can be a raucous time:



You don't see the half of my early morning content. I call those posts, my worldwide threat style, posts.

I write fast and furious every morning. It's how I burnout to calm down.

Btw; that's a valid critque about the magazine pushing. Besides, they advocate helping local news (which is dying), this is not consistent. I subsribe to 3 newspapers. My information billl is about $180 monthly.



Should we all get a The Atlantic subscription so we can follow along with this show? Tell us.

This regular promotion of @TheAtlantic stories seems to be paid. If so, just tell the audience the truth and we can adjust our household budgets for the magazine?


The social network paid political trolls from both Russia and China are abundant, I've found several on CSPAN and this account (MSNBC/Morning Joe). You can catch them mistakenly saying something positive for the wrong side, that's when they're busted. But nothing is stopping them. I've asked for help from other users in countering them, but everybody is busy with their own stuff. A news SN account (like this one) should close every post to comments, that's where they're attacking, with bull___t. 


5.15 Wednesday

"Best colleges," in a nation half filled with adult ignoramuses, is a misnomer. They serve a privileged minority and many students from other nations.

They should all be flattened and rebuilt as plain, boring white campus buildings with no names, just humble random numbers. They should serve only the adults of the surrounding postal zip codes, and their mission will be to ensure that all have had a higher education. Call it, Leave No Adult Behind. Call it public school. 


#COVID19 ; I won't forget all the selfish fools who refused to wear a mask in public and get vaccinated. Because of their example of idiocy and defiance that spread to other morons, 1.2 Million Americans who with simple precautions did not have to die are forever missing. #DonaldTrump who was facing his only crisis as president, also engaged in selfish and dangerous and immautre behavior, going along with the idiots becuse they were a group of voters he needed, the selfish moron vote.

You all know who you are.

You idiots are non communal earthlings, a mistake of nature molded by environment and a dishonest culture and all of you fuckers must not exist in the challenging future that is fast approaching.

Selfish fucks! Dangerous fools! Count your days.

5.14.204 Tuesday

To POTUS re Tariffs on China

The only tariff that was ever needed and still could be is the one that corrects the #labor cost differnce if made here of all imported goods. All of the lost production jobs you have been trying to replace were moved for cheap labor. Correct that with one tarriff and then drop most others. Or I will. 


To add some understanding; after 10.7 Israel issued warnings and then gave a lot time and postponments and delays of time for civilian full evacuation prior to going in, that's not intent to make more casualities.

Sharing in creating a lot of civilian casualities, Hamas countered the Israeli warnings;


"Hamas urges Palestinians to ignore the call (warnings from Israel to evacuate northern Gaza), describing it as disinformation designed to sow panic and facilitate Israel's plan to invade and destroy the militant group." link below

To counter the warnings (that were prolificly dropped from the sky) Hamas launched a convincing twisted logic, that Israel would not invade if the north Gazan citizens stayed in their homes. Too many believed it and stayed. And, those families with direct support to Hamas, (many) would have stayed, and many to show loyalty out of fear of Hamas - a Sharia Law government.

Read more at:"


There are many abducted girls and boys who would disagree with the rosy assessment of progress agrainst the militias and terrorists that the spokesperson for Nigeria makes. He earns his paycheck. πŸ™„


Thanks for talking about what and who Hamas is (the Gazan government). Btw, fellow viewers; NBC and @MSNBC have refused to publicize that the death toll they report comes from Hamas, that runs the Health Ministry. BBC has been responsible about including that little fact in every report of the death toll.

The truth of the deaths count is the first victim of war.


They used to? No, they never metioned on air that Hamas controls the death toll that comes through the Health Ministry. Neither has anybody who reports for the Washington Post, or the New York Times. It's a journalistic moral challenge of the truth, shared by several outlets and their editors. They have a histroical fact, that in the past few attacks within Gaza of the IDF to retaliate or find terrorists, the Health Ministry did report accurate death counts. A few small incursoins, not this full out war. 

Then, Mr. Amazing Memory, if they were 6 months ago where was it this morning, if it was important to them, or if they were not told to not mention the firm connection to the death toll of the terrorist government? And, I can only report what I see, and I only see that BBC does it with every report, and that is responsible and ubiased. 



It's more absolutely true that every government faces times when certain others inside government have a temptation to spy on citizens. It does not matter which political philoshophy is in leadership.

A partial paralell is a parent's temptation to spy on their teenage children.



Stormy Daniels testified Trump likes "a couple of fingers up his ying-yang."

First of all, that's not true.

Secondly, that's racist and Ms. Daniels should never have not said that.



Appropriate for my family rating followers (all two of you).

Do not click the porn link,  I just wanted to share the weird video. Listen to the soundtrack while you watch;



I don't want one kilowatt hour to be used to mine crypto currency for greedy fuckheads, anylonger. Only my government makes currency and only that currency can be used to purchase goods and services, only.

Every mining operation in the world must be destroyed, not shutdown, destroyed. If there is resistence, those who do are mine to deal with.

While the majority struggles to create enough clean renewable energy sources, these greedy crypto assholes eat it with thier energy gobbling computers. Enough. Those fucks get shutdown. I want to destroy the first few dozen myself. Greedy fudkers! πŸ‘Ώ

#HailSatan, he's our alien, if he can't do it, nobody can.

5.113 Monday

A large American election is only cheated by running for office and lying to everybody about who you are, why you are running, what you have done, what you will do, how much money you have, how many women you've molested, or how much secret money to cheat the people of the truth you spend and etcetera. 


They are so lacking in masculinity that the sperm bank lies to them about their hours.


Wapo comment for

What about fueling greed with electricity for crypto mining? I want to understand the logic behind any community allowing its energy production to power Bitcoin mining operations (a.k.a. ' Data centers'). Bitcoin miners (alone) in the US consume the same amount of electricity as the entire state of Utah. It could be up to 2.3% nationally from all crypto mining. It's as useful as providing power so all Americans can leave their televisions on. Ban it all until energy is free and abundant, probably never. 


To Samantha Tango on Cspan, trolling

Find that record of Joe Biden stating he wants to cut the program and post a link.

Find that he's eliminated "our" tax cuts and post a link.

Your links should be from credible reporting of facts.


First of the day

#IsraelHamasWar #HamasTerrorists

I found this, and I agree;

On Biden's decision to withold ammunition from Israel;

"Lincoln allowed Sherman to burn Atlanta to the ground. Truman chose to destroy two Japanese cities by the most horrible means imaginable.

Both men made a choice that seemed on the surface to be the most cruel. But in the end, their decisions brought war to a decisive end.

Biden knows these histories. He should know better than to cave to a far left group that apparently doesn't."

- Jonathan Cooper, New York, May 10

The New York Times, comments;

Responding to:

5.12 Sunday

We count on enforcement of honesty by threat of criminal punishment, means testing would be no different and would only require a checkbox. "Did your assets or income this year exceed your SSI by more than 3X?" for example. And, not one person is harmed by a cutback or increase in withdrawn SSI contribution.

If you don't want to participate in self run government, get the F__K out.


I favor income and asset Means Testing as a more permanent solution to create a solvent program and a fairer proposal that does no harm.


Normally on a Sunday my pattern is to be here hunting Russian and Chinese troll farm employees who are trying to wreck our confidence in democracy and help Trump win so authoritarianism can grow; but I'm favoring playing video games this morning. These days, we must all take extra time to relax.

See you guys next weekend?

Thank you @CSPAN and Happy Mother's Day!


In Michael's defense; I support the message in the political speech of his post. This type of messaging would never have begun if the nation had not elected a person so outrageously unfit.

Besides, a death wish is only a wish and there are trillions of those that do no harm. Here's me abondoning Trump on Venus:


I'm opposed to @CSPAN covering political rallies.

Those are private functions, not government and definitely not our congress. And many candidates tell lies and CSPAN will be propagating them. And, the nation is in a plague of dishonesty.

Help the USA and don't harm it further?

5.10.24 Friday

Porn Names decisions ......

Horny Daniels

Mormy Daniels

Humpme Humphrey

Mormy Maniels


Speaking of;

A reminder; talk of #RFKBrainWorm is very liklely spreading information that comes from a breach of his medical #privacy.

How would you feel if news of your parasitic disease was published on a social network or nationally on cable news?

According to a February 2024 report from HIPAA, 133 million patient records were breached in 2023. It's a crisis.


Biden creates GOP blowback by waking up every day; they are such snowflakes.


Please realize that cross-state fundraising for a Statewide (local) race may be legal, but it is unethical and antithetical to democratic representation.

Please support the priority of to eliminate the stink of money from USA democracy. Thank you. πŸ˜€




If Stormy said "anal sex" on the stand and it is not reported, I'm going to join the right-wing nut jobs and suspect a giant media conspiracy against the things I care about. dammit

I'll vote for Trump, I'll do it!


#radio ; You’ll NEED IT ONE DAY, and a bomb shelter ……

Carmakers want to eliminate radios bc they are interfered with by the electric motor drive train, throwing off disruptive EM waves. 

During a disaster or war the cost of having a car with no ability to receive a radio broadcast can be catastrophic.

“Although the National Association of Broadcasters reports that 82 million Americans per month listen to AM, new electric vehicle drivetrains interfere with AM frequencies. Last year, Ford stated that phasing out AM was just about “changing with the times.””

~~~~~Are you mocking her? I don't understand why while telling us about something she supports, your grandmother's and all women's equal access to vote.

Also, you don't have a right to vote; nobody does. You have a constitutional right (of equality) to not be discriminated against when voting. It's a privilege. 


From tTW

Are you mocking her? I don't understand why while telling us about something she supports, your grandmother's and all women's equality.

Also, you don't have a right to vote. All have a constitutional right (of equality) to not be discriminated against to vote. It's a privilege.


Can we trust that Russian and Chinese trolls trying to get Donald Trump elected are not saying ridiculous things on social networks without evidence or even credible examples to support their statements? No.


At cspanwj

You obviously did not examine the image I attached to coraborate my claim. The problem is, the greater claim that time travel has ocurred and the an alien named Satan has co-opted the founding experiment, is far more difficult to convince the public of, if they don't examine.


Callers new to congressional politics almost always want term limits as a method of correction of frustrating sesssions.

Voting is very term limiting. Generally, the most wise politicians are those reelected repeatedly; they allow for better demoracy.

It's the unequal campaign funding advantage of an incumbent that must be removed. Challengers must have fairness of campaign spending equality.


It will happen again, Robert, you can't eliminate grouping by humans who are in communication with each other. They find comforting groups to be in, with labels like Democratic Party, etc..

We can not illegalize party poltics. It would be nice.

Otherwise, how are you?


I think it was a loss for her because it was a vote against her BS, that has been persistent. And, the body was just successful in passing a large bipartisan bill, so, impeachment looked really impractical.

The speaker role as defined constitutionally, has nothing to do with party building. Stopping that can be a new rule enforced by the office of the Sergent at Arms of the Capitol building.


It can be agreed on universally, and Congress will have to abide by the desire of both sides to eliminate party building of any kind from leadership. The party's were not in the Constitution. For that matter neither was primary voting or campaign financing rules, due (I feel) to the Federalists handing power to the states that should have been centralized, unified. 


You can watch your stupid ball sports on several other media. It's huge on other media outlets.

This network (MSNBC) was created to distribute news. Sports events are entertainment information, nothing useful news. 

5.8.24 Wednesday


Where did you get your plumber's license? Heaven?

And if you're going after greed, you are hanging with the wrong political party and defending the wrong orange person. Granted, there's a lot of money and its corruption in US politics on both sides, but who historically protects it? And, who grants huge tax breaks to the wealthy/the greedy? When did a conservative favor policy to help the poor over the rich? And the greedy are more likely to be liars than honest. WTF side are you on?

James, Massachusetts Master Plumber 11501 retired.


Jack Smith is lying or trying to cheat the court or the case?

That's what you imply, has to be. There's no evidence he's doing anything but his J-O-B, as usual. It's the judge who's being devious, and deceptive and needs to be removed. You're projecting like Trump does. It works on dummies only.


It's an election interference case. Direct interference with democracy, then a cover up. Something that should be a hanging offense. The Big Lie is another one being used again right now.

It's about the election of 2016 we all counted on to be honest. That also means honestly run by its candidates. DA


BTW; she's no savior of democracy or champion for women, she lived by that NDA and could have told America, Trump knew that and tried to stop it on time by lying to Americans to win an election; election interference. 

As many cases revolve around, timelyness, if examined, incriminates enough.


Dude, it is more than logical; it's what would have happened because the margins he won by were thin. It's mathematically reasonable. Also, you are being a fool. A typical MAGA.


The USA has given a lot toward the long-term defense of Israel, but it’s foolish not to realize Europeans also provide support, and so even if US bombs in Israel had never existed, European bombs and (an industry in Europe of making them), would have been the ordinance dropped on Gazans.

The USA has given a lot toward the long term defense of Israel, but it’s foolish not to realize Europeons also give support and so even if US bombs in Israel had never existed, European bombs and (an industry in Europe of making them), would have been the ordinance dropped on Gazans.

The jokes and cartoons about the worm in #RFK’s brain that was eating it before dying (that explains so much) will go on for at least 20 years.


It was repulsive to hear the testimony. Trump in boxers being corrupt toward a porn star then inserting his .....

He would never have won the electoral college votes in those few states with thin margins that allowed him to be the president.

We need a do over. OH! We're getting one. It's a Karmic election.


If Americans had known the truth of this testimony, the margin of voters would not have remained in Trump's favor enough to win.

The margin where it counted would not have been for Trump. He would not have won the Electoral College votes. Illegitimate.

A reminder to readers, it's called a 'Hush' money trial because he really badly wanted to keep his fling a secret from all American voters to win the election of 2016, and it's incriminating that he became strongly determined after the Access Hollywood pussy grabbing tape.

This is an Election Interference case - his presidency was illegitimate.

That is being proven by the timing of his dumb actions.


This burns me up.

It's an abomination of justice by a justice! 

Cannon is working for Trump and needs to be replaced by the high court of Florida ASAP, dammit.


In the good old days that MAGA admires, Trump would also be on trial for adultery. The sentence for guilt would be all of his assets are transfered to his wife.

Adultery is among the worse forms of betrayal.


The people of the United States deserve graphic sexual testimony, dammit. (▀̿̿ΔΉ̯̿▀̿ ̿)

Also, she's no savior of democracy or champion for women, she lived by that NDA and could have told America, Trump knew that and tried to stop it on time by lying to Americans to win an election. The point.


The truth of this case makes Trump's win of the 2016 election and the 4 years of his presidency illegitimate.

By the standards of our democracy, anything he accomplished that can be reversed must be an an attempt to correct the illegitimacy.

That means every judge ever seated by his signature must stepdown. Every executive action needs to be quickly examined and reformed or withdrawn. Every new law he signed must be voted for again by congress.


It was half "are women and children" two months ago.

Get this straight; #Hamas delivers the death toll, they are the Health Ministry, they are the Gazan government. A death toll is a powerful propaganda tool and the first victim of war. You emotional saps help spread mistruths for Hamas. For evil terrorists.

They would multiply the death toll X3 for their benefit. They would tell you it's all women and children if that lie would pass.

Exaggeration is a form of lying. Trump is a chronic liar; don't be like him. We are suffering a plague of dishonesty. If you don't know the truth, shut the f__k up? Because, in this case, you are helping Hamas.

And, Bernie, be careful. You are watched by my employer, and it is a mean entity with more power than any armed force on this planet. The Being has little tolerance or patience for humans. We can't push it.

Israel's existence is guaranteed, and when attacked, they will grow further, spreading out more and taking more land. Reaping the benefits of war.


5.7 Tuesday, 3:40 am


Hi, Govnor; It's a coincidence it is because of my awareness of murdered beings I can't have sex with you. I wanted to apologize ahead of time because I plan on banging a lot of politicians in the future and I'll have to skip you. Sorry!

- James, HME


Biden's administration has been one of normality versus Trump's of teeter tottering chaos, and constant infrastructure weeks, and 200,0000 followers dying of COVID19. For short example. Forbes article that discusses that observed analysis; One can deduce they were Trump followers because of who listened to his paranoia and negligent statements.


I heard that complaint the other day, he's projecting again because he's suspicious the liberals are right constitutionally about all of his BS. So for his minions it's "I love the constitution, they're violating it, I love it, they hate it ...! I'm Donald Trump."  πŸ₯

It is connecting the circumstantial ("everybody knows ..."

or "He said so ...") with the physical, touchable evidence. It's less deniable and this jury has to convict without 1 member in doubt. So, it's right of the prosecution to add all and any incriminating physical evidence. Thanks for asking!


I guess you're not in the coutroom or paying attention. Apparently, it's important physical evidence that validates testimony. πŸ˜€


If I were Netenyahu, whatever the deal, it would not preclude the continued charge toward killing every single one of the Hamas f__kers, including the bastards making the deal. They all have to die, and no deals on that. 

I would be such a ruthless Netenyahu. 



Dear Rose, your beauty reminds me that the enjoyment of ass eating is about the appeal of who it is and what they look like in front, and when engaged in the activity, one is pleasing that and not just some asshole.



The first three paragraphs I was allowed to read were fascinating, gripping, a great build up to something else I can not afford today.

Stop selling these magazine subscriptions, will you?

You guys are almost worse than those pesky Girl Scouts I kicked off the porch yesterday.



I anticipate Gazans will get little to no choices for a long time yet. Hamas had become and remains interwoven in the population; they were recruited from and supported by it.


They're just shutting down Al Jazera, but it's still on youtube there and their reporters remain on the ground.

Gaza reporting may be like the pre-computer age when news of war overseas was collected and reported in the aftermath. It's how Hitler got away with a lot without accurate knowledge of others. Without the press, fascists can grow like weeds. Evil can run amok.


It may be like the pre-computer age when news of war overseas was collected and reported in the aftermath. It's how Hitler got away with a lot without accurate knowledge of others. Without the press, fascists can grow like weeds.


Imagine, the denial for years that this kind of warfare, of dumping bombs on top of civilian structures would be the truth of how our money and weapons would be used. I think we didn't think.

Our colllective imagining of war in Israel was soldiers and tanks in an orderly lineup on a big field.

Below; the afterward of the allied (and American) bombing of Dresden, 1945. It looks a lot worse than Gaza today;


Why visit a state of people that do not hold their cameras corrrectly?

I believe vanity caused the vertical selfie and Californians started it.

That and a search for UFO's.


#IsraelHamasWar w/BBC link at bottom.

In the north of Gaza (where every person was warned to evacuate six-months ago), famine is all but certain.

IDF clearly warns eastern #Rafah to GET the FUC_ OUT for a military event; 100,000 must leave immidiately.

Hamas MUST DIE, and all of them must be found. A building to building gun fighting search for each terrorist may be needed to reduce civilian death. There will be thousands of small stories of horror as the IDF finishes their task. Be emo ready!

Israel controls the news media; shutting down Al Jazera in Isreal.

~~~~ News

"Israel says Rafah harbours four remaining Hamas battalions – amounting to thousands of fighters.

Western and Arab powers as well as the UN have repeatedly warned against such a wide ground operation in Rafah, because of the prospect of high numbers of civilian casualties."

Related News, a FREE READ from BBC:

5.5 Sunday

Something others forget is we begin standards of acceptable speech like the foundation of all laws, with an agreed community standard. The village decides. We could become cannibals, for example. You never know how hungry Americans might become.



But the cops are used to move crowds of people. There should be a gentle way. Like happy tear gas, or something?

I feel, political free speech particularly should have a degree of allowance by local governments, including trash can fires, lamp post destruction, peeing on shrubbery, but not pulling up or smashing down of shrubbery.


Morning, Robert; it's a top concern for me also, but gettting the money out of politics should be priority, it affects almost everything, and then complete redisribution of wealth, teaching total gayness at all elementary schools, and what else?  hmm .... later


Morning, Robert; it's a top concern for me also, but gettting the money out of politics should be priority, it affects almost everything, and then complete redisribution of wealth, teaching total gayness at all elementary schools, and what else?  hmm .... later


Everybody please keep in mind that marijuana needs to be free to grow at home? In my free state, Connecticut we get to have 5 plants at a time, not counting immature plants. I grow on the other side of the wall I am sitting at now. (have for 15-yerars, shh) A temperature controlled exhaust fan means my neighbors infrequently smell the skunkyness. Fire danger needs to be taken seriously, and that may require permiting or inspection, or something government. Hmm


"Netanyahu's war machine ...." Look at yourself writing this dramatic hyperbole?

Examine who you are.

You have known like I have, they are vastly outnumbered and surrounded by populations who want Israel gone and all Jews dead. A terrible place to put a Jewish nation, but it's there to stay.

They are surrounded by people who want the actual genocide of Jews, not perhaps or the appearance of.

Be careful. You are watched by an authority greater than any on this planet.

 - James, HME


That's my website and domain name, it's up for grabs to the right person with enough passion and time for the effort to improve the site and launch funding (ironically, from the public). It's amateur appearance is my lack of effort, really. But, it looks grassroots because of it.


She would be the most entertaining and the orange menace's believers would love her. You're right.


He can campaign more than some grifter sitting in a courtroom for a felonious criminal charge. 


(picture) Snider's Super Foods was my first job at 14 for 4 years.

A Jewish family owned store in Silver Springs Maryland. I was a bagboy that delivered from the the shopping cart to the customer's car or home in the neighborhood. I saw and met many customers with little numbers tattooed onto their arms because they had survived an ACTUAL #GENOCIDE. An intent by a whole nation to kill them all.

Something that for several decades many Palestinians have openly called for of the Jews of Israel. Actual genocide, not as hyperbole for a political point.

Never exaggerate something as sensitive as the meaning of genocide for your purposes.


On TTW, on #Guns #GunControl

Teaching non violence to hopefully reduce gun violence, when more and more guns enter the State every year? And culture becomes more violent. Oh my, here we go.

In this backward circumstance of the new second amendnment meaning from the high court, and more guns than ever, no State law can save anybody; how in the Hell can citizens make Pennsylvania safer from gun violence when it is land and road connected to Ohio, full of gun nuts and gun dealers more obsessively than Pennsylvania is? And I-84 connects to the other interstate highways and all roads, making it very difficult for any statewide firearms restrictions to be effective. No state is an island in the guns and gun violence industry, which is why only national and international gun control can work. A law you should and could pass now; any firearms parts or whole produced in Pennsylvania must be sold directly to an approved final owner only from the production location (a company internet store); no middle sales.

But thanks for trying, Governor, and good luck.


Why can't all my pharmacuetical pills come in neon colors? Or rainbow, blue sky? 🌈

They're dull for the cost; #BigPharma.

With bright coloring I would spend less time poking around at the floor in dim lighting looking for the occasional rougue bouncer.




#JoeBiden calls for peace "you whippersnapers."

Now everything will be alright, less genocidal.

My long awaited statement; If the students had just stayed inside their tents and remained quiet, smoking weed and banging each other and other peaceful activities, all of this conflict could have been avoided.

Related News:



(picture) The results of my #PornAddiction Test.

There is "growing cause for concern."  😳

And cause for a date. Fucking soon!

Blame Casting;

That's because of you guys, you sexy online prostitutes of Formerly Twitter. You know who you are. Looking at those pictures from you has to be included in my porn addiction threat factors.


the 25 Question test:


I wonder if the 'small group of agitators' reported by several to have attacked the camp before dawn, were pro Israel MAGA's trying to make the left wing students (liberals) look like chaos creators, and further divide the left. What's bad for liberalism false stereotypes is good for Republicans. 


More common, yes, because, as one idiot does a satisfying thing and feels no consequence, the others are more likely to repeat it.

You've been to the zoo, right?


You get a more detailed and confirmed report from a major newspaper. The hosts summarize it here, and they talk about the bad imagery and the effects of the physical conflicts. They've repeatedly said a smaller group of 'agitators.' Deduce the majority is not involved in violence?


Of all the things I want to read, this headline for this story is all I needed to know.

Okay, I believe it. Next?


Well? Not so politically concerned to my instruction of who Billy the Kid was; a disenfranchised youth in need of safety and comforting who was willing to kill anybody for any reason.

a summary link;


Keep in mind, a #conservative protest today is five guys with AR 15's at the curb of YOUR PROTEST, on the day you told the cops you wanted the street for your free speech. Fu__ing interuppting everything, freaking out the peaceful #liberals. 


This is what happens when you remove fear of lasting college debt. πŸ₯



House speaker Mike Johnson already began the fiction last week, calling the protests chaotic and full of antisemitism, when they really were not.

The GOP are so desperate right-now, they will love using these protests and clashes to bend this as "Liberal cities and Liberal Chaos, caused by Liberal ideas!"


It's as if a generation has become intolerant of the actions of the one before it. 

I enjoy the speculation that inside the protest encampments were many discussions of at least fifty other issues these protesters want changed, and ideas and new lifetime activists were born.

They are #Liberals. I'm proud to see them.


#PotableWater #LeadPoisoning #Water

#JoeBiden provides funding that continues to replace all hookups ......

Less expenisve with more control over where to install it and when, the lead to iron connenction hookups to the main line under the street were banned in 1986. Newer homes all have brass and or polyvinyl line hookups; so, low income victims in older buildings are almost entirely our nation's lead poisoning victims. Typical.

On behalf of my bretheren holding wrenches; all plumbers were in constant contact with lead prior to the 90's. They drank beer to reduce (they thought) the affects.

When I was a New Orleans plumber (1985) it was my job to connect the new house I just water pipe plumbed to the water line under the street (typically in a deep trench under the street). The plumber might shut-off an entire block to quickly create a lead connection to the main. Unreal.

Once exposed to lead a human loses normal memory, learning and communicating ability forever. All quality of life deminished for all of their lives.

-James, HME

Related News quote:"It’s the biggest investment in U.S. history for water infrastructure and the biggest investment in U.S. history for lead pipe removal. But it’s not going to be enough."

CDC educational advertisement provided by me.

Related News link:


The heavily polluting and too expensive to use inudstry still exists, so the job is not done.

Give me $50 billion and from the research spending I will promise you atomic transport of a primate from California to D.C. in less than 5 seconds within 20 years. If you disbelieve that can be true, you have little confidence in humanity. Make it 100?


The heavily polluting and too expensive for most Americans inudstry still exists, so the job is not done. 


Why don't you write what's really bothering you?

You'll feel better.

Is it that that Trump is embarrasing and you still support him and don't want to be reminded by the news he creates almost every day?


"They" were reporting testimony gathered in LA at the school. You can't blame the messennger. And anarchists do exist and in these times they are oganized and can show up in the dozens within a day. They'll make a peaceful event non peaceful, for the press. They can change history's view of an event. 


"It's colder than a Trump court in here!" will become a common expression.

I wonder, can he not bring to court a pillow and a blankey and just set up a small fort under that big lawyers table?


Counter-protestors don't belong at any protest in the United States and accomplish nothing but creating opportunities for chaos and violence and making the protest itself the news, and not the issue, pro or con.

We are fortunate to have a civil right to protest, and every group can have their own day.

Angry at them? Make your own event.

4.30 Tesday. Morning Joe comments;

(picture) This whole group was liberal by the definition of what they were doing. I think you are Russian or a Chinese troll because somebody that loved America would know the truth of what liberalism is, it's definitely not something unethical. We fight that. 


I'm speaking of reasons (Factors) for why peaceful protests are removed physically, in this case. If they were completely not disturbing anybody, removal would not be considered. Right? When a noisy protest marches by us, we don't complain. It's going to end, so, no complaint. πŸ˜€ 


What about the pro life conflict in this?

Those animals are not having lives??

I used to give my allowance to PETA. Dogs have been my only loyal friends. She's what we doglike men call a Bitch. 


Do you remember when you joined X? I do! #MyXAnniversary


The history of this timeline is dynamic, rising to heights of the teen thousands in its number of followers, losing nine thousand to a bot attack of some kind. Then, me getting angry with all my followers and unfollowing every single one, for not appreciating me. Bitches. After Biden got elected they all dived off into their own shit. Typical. Anyway, I am almost over my anger at them. I followed too many self involved others, I think is a lesson in that. Thing is I broadcast. It's what I have done as a vocation (for awhile) and what I do naturally in compulsion to speak and express. That's another good reason to have unfollowed everyone, I can't honestly check in on the lives of anybody else on here, except maybe a relative or two, and I don't do that! There is content to create and spread. Fuck being appreciated with little red hearts or not!

Geez, tweleve years is nearly 13% of my lifetime, fucking around over here.  Getting a few hearts now and again.



#Appreciation ! some day!!

~~~~~This will be so sweet.

I hope it was learned from last time they were sued for intentionaly broadcasting falsehoods worldwide (Dominion Voting), that the amount needs to collapse the corporation, not spank them temporarilly. They don't learn and destroy democracy.

#FoxNews f_ck_rs! 😑

Collapse them because, there will be some other news network to replace them, anyway. Maybe more honest.


[puff, puff ...]

Are they smoking weed at the encampments?

I think that needs to be investigated as a reason the encampments are annoying as Hell. The students might be having sexual relations inside the tents, also, and making the noise and smell that goes with that. So .....

Replying to myself;

I'm speaking of reasons (Factors) for why peaceful protests are removed physically, in this case. If they were completely not disturbing anybody, removal would not be considered. Right? When a noisy protest marches by us, we don't complain. It's going to end, so, no complaint. πŸ˜€ 


We should be talking about what the public funded colleges are doing, like USC, U Florida. Columbia is private and can kick their asses out if it wants to. I'm glad they're suspending hundreds.

As much as Americans agree to love it, peaceful free speech is not well tolerated for a long time and near to others.


What's sad in America is conservative young people would never do a thing like this, protesting for the welfare of others far across the ocean who are not white. 

It's selflessness and we will never see that on the right. That's a huge philosophhical and pyschological difference between the two sides and why I'm proud to be a liberal.

I support wiping out Hamas and warning every civilian with plenty of time and messaging to get the f___ out of the way or they might die.

4.29 Monday

#Pelosi accuses MSNBC host (#KatyTur) of being apologist for Donald Trump.

I think Pelosi was feeling cranky, Tur was right to interupt to keep her (and the campaign) straight on the jobs numbers - we had a devastating plague ....



I find it necessary to repeat a meaning;

I just read in a matter of fact manner in somebody's post on this platform. " ... 34,000 dead innnocents ...." This is a more repeated statement in this time than "Pick up some milk, would you?"

When talking about the dead from the war on Hamas in Gaza and its casualties it is important to remember and to remind others that Hamas controls the Health Ministry and has control over the death toll number offered to the public (since the first war numbers were reported). It may be half of those are dead innocents. We don't know.

It is also important that it is unknown how many are dead Hamas soldiers and or supporters. Few news media have reported the truth that Hamas is/was the government in Gaza. BBC was careful to report it since the start. NBC obfuscates the important fact.

btw; Death to Hamas!

Punishment for its supporters!


You see that Bush Sr. - Recession line?  See it?

That economic crash changed my life drastically, causing me to shut down a new business, and give up a dream and leave New England.

In New England was the fault of greed of bankers of realtors.



I might like a Tweet out of respect and not necessarily for my opinion of its content. I've always done that. And it gets me out of responsibility for endorsing any Tweet I have used the dumb Heart symbol to interact with, which is a stupid way to acknowledge a post, anyway. 


College needs to be four more years of public school, beginning the year after high school, because the young adult years are as crucial for physical and psychological development as any of the earlier phases of life. 

College is not just a continuation of schooling but a transformative experience and an adult developmental milestone that should not be withheld from anyone. The structured and persistent learning environment, coupled with the vast array of knowledge, expands minds and instills wisdom. Every individual deserves this opportunity to grow and interact with like-minded peers.

That needs to be on the discussion table, not ways to encourage adults to skip college and install air conditioning and tailpipes for the college educated for the rest of their lives, their evenings filled with television, beer and snacks, and never weeknight dinnner parties filled with great discussion.


Let me correct myself, a Trump fart in a cold courtroom would not be 'heavy' but hang in the air as it would cool quickly after exiting the shitbag and drift only slowly toward the direction of the draft created by the room's HVAC return air duct.


“the sluggish pace chosen to hear it — means that it will have needlessly delayed legal accountability for no justifiable reason.”



The Supreme Court is complicit in delaying justice for all Americans in the case of insurrection and sedition against Trump, because they took MONTHS just to reach yesterday to hear arguments of Trump's BS immunity claim. This SCOTUS is aiding the destruction of democracy as we have known it and established it. No person is above the law, especially our elected representatives. To question that is unAmerican! 



U.S. #SupremeCourt  ... 😠

An irony hanging like a chandelier above this entire story is the insurrection trial that Americans are due might not occur if the court agrees #Trump's big lie and denial of the election results was official White House duty, and within the (now hypothetical) trial is the legal presentation of plenty of evidence that a very nonofficial conspiracy for Trump's personal benefit had happened, answering the question for the Justices, after the fact of their taking this case. Another danger is this case drives lawyers crazy and we need them.




Q; What is the definition of genocide under international law?

Google AI Gen;

The definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part. It does not include political groups or so called “cultural genocide”.


#ProPalestinian student protestors are freaking out everybody, including Texas Governor Greg Abbott and House Speaker Mike Johnson, who wants the president to call out the National Guard TO POINT GUNS at the protestors, maybe shoot some liberals, fire a lot of tear gas and generally make well televised scenes of liberal chaos across America.

If a protest interferes with the well-paid education of other students, that has to stop. That's stupid protesting and arrest is warranted.



Related News: Explore this gift article from The New York Times. You can read it for free without a subscription.


The Supreme Court is complicit in delaying justice for all Americans in the case of Insurrection of Donald fuckhead Trump, because they took MONTHS just to reach this day to hear arguments of Trump's bullshit Immunity claim. 


#Arizona Charges Giuliani and Other Trump Allies in Election Interference Case:

The cheating dumbass "Mr. #Trump has long made a strategy of falsely claiming election fraud. After he was defeated in the 2016 Iowa caucus, he said that Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, the winner of that contest, “illegally stole it.” And after Mr. Trump received fewer votes nationwide in 2016 than Hillary Clinton did, he said that he had actually won the popular vote “if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”"

related news:




No, that was you Right-Wing fuckers lying about the past to excuse a new and disgusting practice of no tolerance of any familes. That cruelty actually requires punishment by the children unto those that did it. The assholes will be punished for it. You also for defending it. 


"The idea that this is simply a continuation of an Obama-era practice is "preposterous," said Denise Gilman, director of the Immigration Clinic at the University of Texas Law School. "There were occasionally instances where you would find a separated family — maybe like one every six months to a year — and that was usually because there had been some actual individualized concern that there was a trafficking situation or that the parent wasn’t actually the parent."



A fact checking news story from an old journalism organization that cares about the truth:


On ttwt

Funding molecular transport research would be a lot cheaper and a far faster and easier system when accomplished. We can do it.

But, sure, for now let's build a high speed rail network.


I liked the policy of rippping the brown children away from their brown mothers and fathers as they were processed and then losing the brown kids throughout the USA; that sure showed them. Good ol' Trump. 


If street people could operate a small gambling device then strangers would be more likely to give a dollar or two; with the foreseeable chances of taking the jackpot away from the homeless person.

Small so they are portable. Like miniature slot machines.

It is not like I want to help the homeless with evily things. 😈 Taking advantage of the vices of others should not be a crime.



[puff, puff]

I would like to show up in a Trump Tower costume.

People could throw rotting vegetables at me. No feces please? I will have eye and breathing holes in some windows.

I might stumble and fall over.

Birds might land on me.

How do I make a Starbucks in the lobby? Or a lobby.


#JoeBiden should have one of those small novelty baseball bats that says ABORTION RIGHTS to swing at rallies.


ANY liberal that sees the movie #CivilWar is infuencing Hollywood's exploitation of an existential to democracy crisis we live in currently. They are not typically amusing at fantasy fiction. It is being a hypicrit if claiming to be defending orderly democracy in this current crisis.

It's similar to having created a Death of Diana blockbuster movie a month after the crash she died in.

It's that deplorable. I won't see it.


Now paying only 3:1 "Throughout the trial Trump will violate his gag order repeatedly and not be imprisoned."



4.22 Monday

Explore this gift article from The New York Times. You can read it for free without a subscription. 



This ball is called Planet Hot Shit House because of what we're doing to the atmosphere and how life changes on the ground because of it (it turns to shit). 

Life needs an atmosphere suitable to staying alive.

Every day must include some focus on repairing and preventing our harm.


The time traveled image at Google that landed at the experiment before it was created, TimeTravelWish .org:


~~~~~~On ttw;

I think this picture may be faked, and the A was replaced.

However, if the misspelling is true it would not surprise me. Because, for your average MAGA, they have little time to understand current events and lack time to correct an insufficient primary education.

A 30 work week law would help to correct the time issue.


Hi Melissa;

On this day, it was a long time to inform of past entertainment (sports news). I'm not alone in wanting the condensed news delivery format of any morning news show to be more efficient due to the increased frequency of news that effects all lives, including the time it takes to correct misinformation. FYI I'm also @ endallsuffering using the same profile pic leftward. I sometimes am stuck over here on this work account and respond to non work related Tweets. My irrelevant replies are later deleted from this account.


On ttw

He won't understand your reply.

He's going to vote.

Trump has brought more of those that misunderstand complexities of government to the polls. My voting decisions are now biased by fear of that.

Nice to meet you.


This is a Super PAC.

Please google what that is before giving this post more attention?

PAC's are a way for special interest groups to steer legislation around the desires of the electorate by donating large amounts from hidden donors to targeted campaigns. Used to abuse the First Amendment, and democracy generally.

Musk does not care. They pay for ads on X.


  On TTW

I will fill in that absence. Thank you.

I want to add another to scram; Scoot.

Both scoot and scram are used by old men on

4.21 Sunday

 porches to make children that are gathering around to leave the scene.


Trying to send this to Milkbones;


Why are the new medium biscuits now weighing only 9.7 grams and not 11.4 grams as they had been?

You are ripping off my dog for approx 1.5 grams per treat.

My dog knows the difference and it wants more. I knew the difference the moment I handled the new Milkbones. Who did you think you were fooling?

Not us loyal customers.

Pic 1, the new medium Milkbones weight.

Pic 2, the old weight of medium Milkbones.

Pic 3, Left bone is the old weight. Only from the edge can the consumer see the thickness difference. The length and width are the same. You tried to fool people.


! @ElonMusk ?

Am I talking about you?

I am actually being #Conservative of #democracy ......




Trust of all the People, bla bla bla .....

Another of many essay format news posts since Musk gave me the space. I suppose I should be lighter on him? Eh, he's a billionaire and I need to step on that new population group. And worse, he's a bonified Money Changer; so, judgment befalls upon him. "Squish."

In the #TrumpTrial for violating the people's trust of him (basically) in a federal campaign for a mighty office, in a trial for a crime that one person has already served prison time for serving his lies for; there are Mountains of evidence against him. However, in the USA, it often takes only tidbits of circumstantial evidence to convict a poor person, and Trump is the antithesis of that group. This consistency should inspire a judicial revolution in a fantasy universe where spine-strong citizens care enough to turn out to vote on the facts with a unified truth.

Related News;

From the New York Times, Analysis by two guys:

Explore this gift article from The New York Times. You can read it for free without a subscription.


4.20 Saturday

Homeless ban in DC area;

And Elon Musk is the person to go to for political criticisms or news opinion, why?

Would you ask Trump questions about the truth? 


I'll take that blood. He cost at least 200K American's lives by not promoting COVID safety or vaccines.

And he's a billionaire, he can afford Ninjas.

And we want our Secret Service agents protecting honest public servants, and not habitually lying selfish morons and felons that disrespect all Americans.


Explain why illegal border crossing is a parallel to the USA's unique gun violence problem for the others that will pass by here?

I know you can't make sense of it, I want you to try with words so they can see the GOP baby mind at work.


By removing the right of abortion, what the American Christians have done to women's freedom is deplorable.

They'll need to be punished for their advocacy.

At the polls of course.



I could have predicted it was a Florida Man.

Was there canned beer found near the scene?


At the #TrumpTrial for 34 felony counts;

A true believer of the MAGA cult?

"Man set himself on fire outside court: The man took out pamphlets espousing conspiracy theories and spread them around the park before dousing himself in a flammable substance and setting himself aflame, officials said. He was in critical condition Friday afternoon."

The news free to read at AP:


4.19 Friday


Why do all my pajama pants split open at the nutsack?

That's what the Seamsters' union calls that spot, right?


Remember the Kent State shootings!

At least the New York Guard was not called in.

At the Kent State shootings, that was a governor acting where a college dean or city police could not, on a State college campus; using the National Guard.

Also, it's good to be very critical whenever any government authority is acting with force on any property, anywhere, it's American.

Googled w/ AI response; what is the Kent State shootings .......


Sort of. I feel if removing them all by arrest were not keeping law and order normally in NYC, then a prohibition of a government force would be 1A consistent. But, what's a dean to do?


That city government had to be used is not similar to the meaning; their actions were no different than keeping order someplace else in NYC. " ... or colleges must treat others' speech, it dictates that the government does not have that right."




So what is Shabbat?

So why do you want to know?

Round up your lambs, you jewish heads of household (only). You can't substitute pets for lambs, or make fake lambs from cardboard; each lamb has to be alive and cute. No lipstick and fishnet stockings, you men! Don't be baaaaahd.

How it started, way back then:

War of the Egyptian Firstborn (1313 BCE) - via @Chabad



SEth myers from Rene


Murder and mayhem and terrorist recruitment love a nation in poverty under authoritarian rule without religious freedom.


When #FoxNews insults you ......

#MTG is an idiot?

related news:


murder and mayhem and a nation of young men


Good for @Google and #GoogleCloud ......

I would take it further and fire any employee (most are under 30) that publicly uses the word GENOCIDE to describe the killing of Gazans that would not get the fuck out of the way when given good warning and plenty of time. They were Hamas supporters.

Fire the ignorant fucks!

DEATH to HAMAS, and DEATH to its supporters!

related news:

Explore this gift article from The New York Times. You can read it for free without a subscription.



You could be a coward born in the right zip code and be certain to have success.

Or, born into a high income family that installs your success for you.

Your quotables are non critical stupidables.


☝️ Just have several shitty social media posts to get out of #JuryDuty.


Hi. I know it.

I believe, if there remains on the books in that locality, a law against public incitement of violence, then a local has to call it in, more than one and the local law will at least arrest him. Trump could have been stopped in 16' with such a local complaint call.


Meg; I can't find national journalists are covering this, in this interpretation of abolishing the right of protest. For two days it's been sensationalist magazines, infamous for clickbait articles. I won't click there. 


I don't understand why #StormyDaniels breasts are not introduced with her in these television reports.

I mean, they're taking up half the screen every time her picture is up.

They're lively enough to be people, right?






Some things to place bets on;

The words 'blow job' will appear on the front pages.

So will the words 'doggie style.'

The identity of a plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills California will be mentioned.

Throughout the trial Trump will violate his gag order repeatedly and not be imprisoned.


#TrumpHushMoneyTrial / Rigging the Election by Lying to All Americans to Cheat the U.S. 2016 Election.

Trump will be a felon by July.

Cohen has already served prison time for his crime, he's the co-conspirator. He's going to prison.

Paying off porn stars. Committing adultery against his pregnant wife. Asking Russia to steal data and help him win the election. And lying about and audaciously denying all of it; lying to all Americans in a democratic election.

It should infuriate any good citizen. Instead, an army of cult followers supports him.

He made the election illegitimate and the four years of his presidency illegitimate.

Case in point: 2016, Excellent television reporting. Just the facts.


That's too idiotic of a response. You could have just written one example for this public. You are trolling this news talk account with bullshit, aren't you?

Are you a Russian or a Chinese troll farm employee?





Some things to bet on;

The words 'blow job' will appear on the front pages.

So will the words 'doggie style.'

The identity of a plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills California will be mentioned.


Humanity is so full of corrupt behavior that Earth will need another planet just for its prisoners.

Hieronymus Bosch - The Harrowing of Hell:



However, there's a war on.

Are you with Hamas?

And yes, all Israel has been salivating for an excuse to take out all suspected nuclear arms facilities in Iran. The consulate attack set up the retaliation, for which there will be retaliation.



Israel got what it wanted; an excuse to strike back at Iran for striking back at Israel for striking them at their consulate. The tit-for-tat has to look like Iran started it.

Now, Israel can strike Iran's nuclear weapons plants, flattening all sites, caving in underground facilities, etc... A wipe out. Then, Iran has an excuse to use a nuke (they may have one or more, RTG), then Israel gets an excuse to eliminate Iran with their nuclear weapons. However, Russia needs Iran for weapons production in the Ukraine invasion. Uh oh! Russia might use its weightiest option - nukes of all sizes and delivery methods to stop Israel's aggression. They'll have to strike the US first; we have promised protection of Israel.

Then we have WW3. Oh well! La tee da!

Kaboom!  Why plan for the future if nuclear armed nations will destroy everyone's plans?




#AlternativeNews & Right Wing Bullshit News Facts:

In US #democracy we are not having an honest debate. A crisis in the consistency of the facts of current events, civics and history is destroying our ability to have productive, honest debating.

I would like to see a poll of those who are mainstream newspaper (journalism) readers compared with a poll of Trump voters that do not watch Fox News or read alternative right wing news bullshit. But that will never happen, finding those people would be very difficult and  the size of respondents would be useless.

My point; all modern political polls are useless, considering one side has fucked up facts created by the whiny rich owners of alternative news delivery sources.

The facts have to be the same in our country. Even if they are fictional, we can't run democratically without the same facts.

It is why WE HAVE A NEWS CRISIS that is destroying the dream. If nothing else, our facts must be consistently the same. There can be no honest debate!!



#AlternativeNews & Right Wing Bullshit News Facts:

In the US #democracy, we are not having an honest debate. A crisis in the consistency of the facts of current events, civics, and history is destroying our ability to have productive, honest debates. 

I would like to see a poll of those who are mainstream newspaper (journalism) readers compared with a poll of Trump voters that do not watch Fox News or read alternative right-wing news bullshit. But that will never happen; finding those people would be very difficult, and the size of respondents would be useless.

The electorate can no longer be honestly polled.

The facts have to be the same in our country. We can only run democratically with the same facts, even fictional ones.

It is why WE HAVE A NEWS CRISIS that is destroying the dream. If nothing else, our facts must be consistently the same. There can be no honest debate!!

There must be control, and unfortunately, it must be contrary to the First Amendment Press clause; it must violate it, and we must take control. A certain few billionaires are responsible for this mess of the press and what will have to happen. No more. 


It was my horny second aunt in the back of her camper trailer, sometimes twice a day but a lot on the weekends and she would play an FM radio pretty loud. The same station played sing along pop rock, mostly, and unfortunately (Candy Man, omg). Anyhow, a neighbor kid saved me later with Led Zeppelin, The Who etc.. Bong hits. πŸ™„


This has been the week O.J. Simpson died from cancer.

And the week Trump tried to get out of a couple of trials.

The week famine set in among Gazans displaced from the Israel-Hamas War. Israel attacked Iranians in Syria and Iran vowed revenge. My back pain became crippling. The Ukraine-Russia War began to look lost due to our corrupt congressional leader. An argumentative fight with my mother began to cool off and


I observe he is consistent and that is honest. I don't know what he lies about and that's honesty in this era of widespread dishonesty.

And get this take; it's not honest if he uses this platform and 'follows' thousands of others. Because, how, with his career and limited time, can he honestly follow the daily posts of even two dozen people? Where is the time for that? And, what is he not doing in the Senate if he does honestly follow others?


Three words Berners need to learn is an old idea hated by the rich since day one.

There would be no lobbying; no instances of private money from PAC's and interest groups out-representing the people's needs and desires.

Constitutional amendment 28 as a priority reform can save the USA and must occur.

The 1960's and the Public Campaign Finance Song:

Inflation of campaign costs may make public contribution about $50 per taxpayer.

4.12.24 Friday

Rewrite and post

It's only fair;

The #HushMoneyTrial of Donald #Trump is about candidates lying to all Americans to get elected, and the integrity and legitimacy of the 2016 US election for president. It is clear he cheated all Americans and so cheated in the election. In addition to asking for help from Russia and receiving it, he made the outcome of the 2016 US Election for President and the 4-years of his presidency illegitimate. As such, all Trump executive decisions must be voided, and all judges seated by him must be replaced. That is fair and this country was founded on the need for fairness.

The margin was thin enough, Trump would have lost the 2016 election if the payoff and cover-up story of the repeated adultery with expensive sluts had hit the news right after the 'pussy grabbing' audio. THAT is a point as heavy as a Trump fart in a freezing courtroom.

He would not have been elected. His time was illegitimate.

 ... he made the outcome of the 2016 US Election for President and the 4-years of his presidency illegitimate. As such, all Trump executive decisions must be voided, and all judges seated by him must be replaced. That is fair ...

Trump is a cheating mother-fucker of a human. Anyone supporting him had better examine themselves. Any citizen voting for him is supporting fascism; the normalization of the corruption of government. 

- James, HME


Trump would have lost the 2016 election if the payoff and cover-up story of the repeated adultery with expensive sluts had hit the news right after the 'pussy grabbing' audio. THAT is a point as heavy as a Trump fart in a freezing courtroom.

He would not have been elected. His time was illegitimate.

 ... he made the outcome of the 2016 US Election for President and the 4-years of his presidency illegitimate. As such, all Trump executive decisions must be voided, and all judges seated by him must be replaced. That is fair ...


A strong but seldom discussed aspect of #Abortion is that it can reduce violent crime. Statistically, an unwanted baby will be an unwanted adult. Unwanted by everybody. The unwanted will grow up with a ton of grievances. They'll destroy society. They'll be coming to your door.

When pregnant it's better to abort if you can not or will not provide love and care for 20 years.

Life, it's not to be fucked around with.

🌈The more you know!



= #Choice

= Not #Trump

"Uga, uga, ug! 24." (for caveman voters)


In Chris Matthews's rant about Bobby Kennedy's plea for voters to "think of what you need ..." it was delivered to get them to the polls; he was basically asking voters to never mind the complications of life outside of their own and use what is closest to them to be inspired to vote for the candidate best suiting their selfish desires.

Kennedy was in search of higher numbers of voters, not their quality. In this example, we should see where things began to go wrong in the experimental pursuit of the best representative democratic government the United States could get. We lost the all-for-one pursuit in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, and the plea for voters to think of themselves turns away from the constitution's preamble reasoning of striving for a more perfect union.

Too many have said "to Hell with collectivism."   

Politicians often disregard the intellectual nature of voting. This approach overlooks the potential for voters to make informed decisions about their community. I propose a shift towards 'tested registered voters', individuals who have demonstrated a basic understanding of the political landscape, as a significant change in the United States' voting policies.

It's time for #VoterTesting; we can all read now. #Voting is first an intellectual process, not a poll of the masses. The US Census does that for us.


Tabloids dramatize their clickbait.

It makes you look like a poorly educated New York City taxi driver. A common customer of this 'newspaper.'

It's why Joe jokes about their coverage, he's sarcastic.


But politicians will as long as they can and the people don't Support Public Campaign Financing as amendment 28, a priority reform; and you will no longer have to worry about PACs and dark money out-representing you year after year. Money is now legitimate political speech and we don't have to accept that. to start.

Save #democracy ?



#MentalHealth .....

Trust me, never tell your primary care doctor the status of your mental health. Let their focus remain your body beneath your brain.

Because, the brain and mental wellness are areas of study that are in a primitive era. The numbers of mistakes and misdiagnoses are many more than accurate diagnoses and successful or proper treatments. Be very careful who you speak to.


The #HushMoneyTrial of Donald "the fuckhead" Trump is about the integrity and legitimacy of the 2016 US election for president. 

It is clear he cheated all Americans and so cheated in the election. In addition to asking for help from Russia and receiving it, he made the outcome of the 2016 US Election for President and the 4-years of his presidency illegitimate. As such, all Trump executive decisions will be voided, and all judges seated by him must be replaced ASAP. That is fair and this country was founded on the need for fairness. 


Chinese, Russian and MAGA disinformation is now rampant on all networks and very destructive to the integrity of #democracy. It must be stopped at all costs. 

If grateful for freedom, the harmless and right thing for each social network owner is to close for 120 days prior to the General Election.

That is my #Judgment.

- James, HME

- James, HME



Dislikes me,

I saw your profile, we do need critical thinking classes in school. But, even if all schools began tomorrow morning, with new history, civics, and current events and critical thought focus, it would be 20 years before those students became a solid electorate. The USA as we have known it will be long gone.

We're f__ked as it looks.

The vast majority could not read in the 18th century, or voter testing would be in our constitution. Instead we got an age restriction of 21 years (just to make sure brains were developed), and whoever the States discriminately allowed.

#VoterTesting now to save us now. 

#democracy was a fast experiment w/o voter testing. WTF? for more info


#Choice = freedom

#abortion of unwanted children is more appropriate today than ever. Women must have reproductive freedom and all the choices in life that men get.

Because of Trump and new abortion bans, like in Arizona yesterday, there will be many unwanted teenagers and adults flowing out of the south in the following decades.

Unwanted, many will be angry and desperate and ready to assault and kill anybody.

Please join the National Abortion Rights Action League and give like I have.


Arizona #abortion .....

And the place was a territory when it made that law.

Here's a double take;

No thanks to #Republicans, many millions of unwanted children might be born who grow to be discontented and angry unwanted adults that will have plenty of available #guns.

Unwanted. Think about that? How will they be treated?



You are all too late.

Where were all of you when the deals were made, when the money and bombs flowed to Israel for +70 years? It was in the news all of my life. I was protesting, I did not see you guys.

Americans had the chance to stop all weapons delivery to Israel.

Where? Who were you insulting then instead of trying to stop the weapons and funding? And, who and where did you think the weapons were going to be used against?

The Jews are surrounded by those that want to commit actual genocide against them. That's not a secret.

News for you; The USA is one big gun dealer. Stop that. Stop all weapons exports. Let every nation create their own guns and bombs.

Late comers. 

The Jews are going to kick ass and not stop until they feel safe. There will be Hamas supporters who will refuse to leave when warned. They will die. That's the suffering you see.




Not posted

No civil right (of all citizens) should belong to the States to decide. That's where federalism stops for me and should for you.

There would still be several racially segregated states in the South, possibly even slave states, if State judgment of equal rights were the normative. Many constitutional amendments we have, would be state distinctive rights. This would not be a union. Keith. Jeezus.

Should be on EAS, but it’s on TTW:


Trump affirmed the Supreme Court, after they affirmed his party. His announcement was a nothing media event.

The restriction or allowance of a civil right (of all) should never be a choice of the States.

Thank you, Joe, for finally referencing Hamas as the government of Gaza, something nearly all news media has been obfuscating. Prior to the attack Hamas was the main route to assist in funding basic infrastructure in Gaza.

Death to Hamas, and Death to their supporters.


The news story really is, Trump Agrees with the Supreme Court that he Installed for that Exact Purpose.

Next news story please?


Won't read it. I can see a headline. That controversy has a systemic cause; when wealthy and in business it pays to contribute to both sides, personally hedging for a beneficial outcome if either candidate wins.

Also, the list of donors that a winning candidate's office wants to examine and keep tight is filled with two party contributors, they are a reliable donating group in every season.

Public Campaign Financing can change that.

Support it? Look for it?

We do not need to be ruled by money first and popular opinions second.


Not a free read.

Morning Joe loves these magazines that charge people like me too much to be able to read it.

I can afford three newspaper subscriptions, not this.

They do not need to to endorse these private rags from liberal academia to offer viewers a wide array of topics and the controversies. It's payola on television. Next, an endorsement of the Wall Street Journal by Joe. He knows the owners' friend (i.e. Roberts).


Is she trying to look like Dianne Feinstein circa 1980, or am I just imagining that because I once thought that Feinstein was dobable? hmm .....

And I thought she was respectable, of course.


Besides the #porn there are a great many reasons to keep the #internet, but it will be closed 3 days each week to encourage real life activities and intimacy.


Twixting of internet, I found this great site for #WorldFlags over at the ol' CIA this morning.

This one below is from the Isle of Man. Sexist, I know. It just dawned on me. Sorry. Sixties TV boy, you know. 

I was once chastised by my teacher and laughed at by my classmates because looking at the word on the blackboard I would insist Island was pronounced "is-land."

"It's is land! You little fuckers!" I said to everybody.

Description: "Red with the Three Legs of Man emblem (triskelion), in the center; the three legs are joined at the thigh and bent at the knee; in order to have the toes pointing clockwise on both sides of the flag, a two-sided emblem is used; the flag is based on the coat of arms of the last recognized Norse King of Mann, MAGNUS III (r. 1252-65); the triskelion has its roots in an early Celtic sun symbol"




Praise to Lucifer / Beelzebub / Satan / Shaitan / Pwcca / O-Yama / Haborym / Coyote / The Devil

For more information of why I would write that above Devil content, please see the world's first and only ever successful before created #timetravel experiment, TimeTravelWish .org .com .today or Paradox-One .Today

Or, and link from there.

Education link; The Infernal Names  .....


#SinglePayer Healthcare


#MedicareForAll dammit!!

Kamala Harris was right in 2020; the sale of health insurance should be illegal. A new universal plan can never effectively exist beside the corruption and standard setting of our nation's for profit health insurance companies.

And I maintain an employer should just pay enough to the help, and should never be responsible for employees' social needs, including and especially the high cost of health insurance.

I would completely remove this burden of overhead and restriction to small business growth from all employers in the USA. Vote James? 

That is one big flaw of Obama Care and its passage, it relied on large employers to cough-up more overhead to buy for profit health insurance. True, those are healthier employees, but for the nation more of the same of the boss paying for most of their medical needs became more ingrained in the economy.

And I believe another bad outcome occurred, as the ACA extended the life of an societal standards excuse to not move to a single payer healthcare nationwide plan. Americans act as if Obamacare, taking decades of activism to create, was the end of the fight for healthcare justice for all.

It was a beginning.

This has been inspired by the article attached; A modern health insurance company scam on employers; raising big money on fees for saving the insurance company money because they won't pay a doctor what they say they need for compensation ......

Here's a meme I produced on a PC, 28 years ago; it presents the single in 'single' as one continuous circle of care and payment, in the center 'NO' symbol are health insurance company executives sitting and smiling at a conference table full of cash. They are the unnecessary middlemen in the single payer answer. They can sell other forms of insurance.


#Landlords are the scum of the Earth.

The super massive landlords are the newest and most unethical invention of landlordism ever. Those scumbags really have it coming to them. They're trying to get rich on the backs of people who can't afford their own home. They should be driven TF out of town. Their spouses and children must also be exiled. 😑