Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:

Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:
Discovery of the secretly indicated location of the Alien Stone in the time traveled image from Google that met my time travel communication experiment in November 2014.

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer
End All Suffering on Twitter: Watching us again fail to SEE Medicare for All / Single f-ing Payer!

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon
You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per month.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Couple of Clinton Stories of Mine

James in Deep River, Connecticut. Now living in la la land. 

Hillary and Chelsea on I-395 . .

My only story of being close to Hillary and Chelsea being this is Moms' day (is it?).  I think it was 2001 or 2002: I had been living in Connecticut since Spring of 2001. I had been driving my girlfriend to the New London train station for her singing engagements in New York City. In my defense; I would have been glad to drive her and screw around in the city, eat bagels, talk to cops, go to the GWP dog park with the fellas and try to find Joan Jet or maybe Pat Benatar (maybe have sex with), or maybe find Janeane Garafalo and make her laugh very hard until she emesis her fluid through her nasal passages and perhaps all over the sidewalk and then snap a quick shot of that - I would have given it to her to keep. But, other celebrities would show up there and satisfy that celebrity closeness quick thrill (like ol Lou Reed, I mean, just seeing that he could walk was kind of amazing in itself), but she loved the train. So, I had dropped her off and saw her train leave - as all gentlemen should do! [they are trying to get rid of the explanation mark; more on this conspiracy at my weblog. Backup: At the train station there are ferry terminals/docks nearby. Two of them are very popular. One line makes the Martha's Vineyard run. Locally, this is known as the most pleasant way to get there and come back at night all happy and rested. On a weekday or a Sunday for instance, at this time of the year of this story the ferry had very light traffic from Martha's Vineyard.  Okay; So, I returned to the interstate from New London and was driving north on I-395, happily back home to pretend I was a REAL bachelor, don't ask about this activity, please.  Umm. . Where was I?  I was in the left lane passing some traffic and I came upon a commonly seen but uniquely governmental protection activity in the right lane. I once had to wait for almost 1.5 hours at an exit ramp in New Orleans for g-dammed Dan Quayle who was happily running late and did not inform the NOPD! Jeez! If you are a politician and you DO NOT want a whole community to vote for you, this is how it is done. All your great decisions in office may be overlooked by this emotion invoking activity - we Americans have no time for this shit. :-] So, I am too familiar with these fine security officers and the clear patterns which pretty much give them away even at a great distance. So, it was two well heavy black suburban assault vehicles or SAVs and they were sandwiching a light blue economy class rental car, a four-passenger vehicle. I was passing at a consistent rate of speed and so was likely not seen as any threat. However, I was high up seated in a white Toyota pick-up. I realized quickly it was probably somebody important and I should drive by respectfully (in case I meet them one day and they have a lot of money), not drawing any attention at all to the fine California marijuana in the hubcaps [Okay Grammarly: I know this is wordiness it's me.] I grew out of it soon after; actually smoked it all. The driving, with the wheels, was all wobbly and variably shaky for a while until it was all gone. I guess I should have just removed each stash from each wheel all at once. Hindsight. :-(   So, as I passed the blue car and in my typical American fascination with celebrity phenom I was compelled to glance at the driver and passenger. Two floppy straw hats from that Martha's Vineyard gift shop near the terminal did not quite conceal them. As trained and reminded prior to their trip, they did pull down the left brim of their hats as a high vehicle was approaching on the left - great safety measure. Great learned habit. I now have one and do the same thing. Except mine has a price tag hanging on it like what's her name, from Hee Haw and I have fruit like that other lady who dances really well to Latin music with really good balance. Age revealed. :-(  

Hillary and Chelsea's unique hair stylings were known to me, avid politics observer, and so I quickly presumed I was seeing them. Hillary's jaw line is also familiar and that was the giveaway as I passed. There was some emotional conversation going on. Chelsea was only occasionally glancing to Hillary, but she turned her head quickly to the right a couple of times as if not wanting to engage. I had wondered why they were going to drive so far, to New York state, up through half of Connecticut to Massachusetts, west on the Mass Pike for hours, then hours north to their new home. Hmmm . . . . I type here sometimes.  Recognizing a communication difficulty was in an occurrence I attempted to speculate what may have been going on in that small rental car. .  .hmm again. 

So, the Clintons; Many turbulent years had passed and the years in the White House were over. The inter family adaptation to having been in that busy spotlight, with all that very personalized controversy must have taken a toll on the ability to communicate in that special family. For a daughter at Chelsea's age this is a sensitive time between some mothers and daughters. Never mind that that Chelsea had lived in an extreme circumstance (comparative to the rest of us, unless you have lived with me), she had to adapt to rumor and innuendo at school, whispers, gossip - we can all imagine. Yes G wordie, stop this. Communication after a time like this needs to be reestablished. It had been enough time past since leaving Washington D.C. for the families' thoughts to come to understanding, conceptually. It was time for mother and daughter to spend some long hours trapped together in a small car learning of that new communication that will be needed. Assume this and assume it with some accuracy: Hillary was being an active and engaging and courageous mother for her daughter at just the right time. She took initiative. She was sensitive enough to know that that long car ride was a damn good idea.  I have no doubt that after that car ride a new kind of relationship was formed. A past president relationship, more like the mother and daughter relationship that Chelsea needed at that exact time. If we could all have mothers like this. Advocates. Sensitive and aware. Observant of feelings. Creative enough to find a way to break through that new post-pubescent wall of fresh judgments that so many teenagers become stuck in. Bravo Hillary.

Hills: You can be my mom if you like. I know you miss it. That grandchild won't be enough, you'll need someone cute to pet and to be concerned for right there in the Oval Office. I offer my free labor of pretending to be your child for about four years. I can pull it off. For the security of our nation, I have some earplugs and you can control what I hear. :-)

By the way Chelsea, you remember that white truck if you think about it, because you noticed that bright green radio flash symbol that kind of looked like a marijuana leaf, above the words Radio Free Monterey, didn't you? You were looking for distractions, it was uncomfortable, I know. 

Previously CLASSIFIED: James (Mr. Jimmy) exploring the depths of the Monterey Bay.
Don't send me email there!

I should say here: The black SAVs were almost perfectly spaced in proper Secret Service professional etiquette and I could actually feel the very observant and judging awareness of their minds as I approached in the left lane. A favor guys, maybe for this one compliment - how often do you get them? Hell, I may need you one day. :-) Red haired kid at Lafayette Park every fourth of July with the huge bong who kept waving  it at the White House. Remember? Those days are gone. :-(

Next; the story about the 13-year-old bored hyperactive kid who rode his white Raleigh ten-speed bicycle all the way through the United States Capitol building.  :-)  he he he he he.  Oh D.C. is a blast!

When We Shook Hands . .

I just remembered another Clinton story of mine. This one may be important here. It relates to Hillary's choice of men and her choice of William Jefferson Clinton as her lifetime partner.
I think it was 1995 or 1996. It was Spring. Bill had been on a whirl-wind tour of California, heading south to LA. <-- is that a lyric? Hmmm .. .  So he was due to stop in Salinas, California. I had the time and so decided to go to hear him. I was at this time very concerned about assault weapons. I wore my favorite black baseball cap in which I could pretend I was a submarine captain - a kind submarine captain. It was hot out, not very hot but Bill had to sit on the top of the steps of the Salinas City Hall and wait in the sun for the local speakers to finish. He was double tasking, working on his notes and listening to everyone speak - at the same exact time.

I was about five bodies back in from the rope line. He did not talk guns although that city would have been the perfect place for that discussion, to my disappointment.  As the procession of Secret Service and he began to walk the handshaking line I managed to put myself at the front of the rope line (sorry old lady, some people are more important). So my turn was approaching to shake the hand of a great man and he was almost to me. But for some reason I turned my head to my left and saw that a father was trying to get his son ahead of the crowd to shake his hand. So without thought I reached for the man's son. I raised him and brought him to Bill so they could touch, I spun the boy around (he was smiling huge) and his father was grateful and thanked me. I thought that I had just missed a chance to shake his big puffy (inflamed from hand shaking) hands. But no. Bill saw that kind action. He waited for me. We shook hands.  :-)  Aware, sensitive, watching for kindness, ready to repay that kindness. Wow. A good choice Hills. :-)

Salinas TV station has this footage. Black cap can be seen. Act can be verified. :-)

#HillaryClinton #BillClinton #Mothers #MothersDay #JamesGMason #endallsuffering #stopallsuffering

Senator Bernie Sanders and Dreamy Dreams of a Liberal Utopia in the United States

Sanders loyalists I plead with you to get real.  The anti-communist paranoia is not over yet. Your grandparents are alive and kicking and those who believed everything that generation ever said about socialism, and those who were equating that political bent to communism are still very much alive. Don’t screw this up by allowing senator Bernie Sanders to get the democratic party nomination. Not just yet. Not now. If your efforts result in the defeat of Hillary Rodham Clinton you will be sorry. Our entire nation will be sorry.

This sound warning comes to you from someone who is more socialist than Bernie Sanders. I know it's not the time to build the democratic utopia we know that the United States can be.  

We liberals tend to be huge dreamers. We actually have political dreams at night, in REM. But consider please what the opposition to senator Sanders will be. Scrolling map views of the U.S.S.S.R. where the camera slows down just a little bit over the word “socialist.” Fast flashing pictures of Chairman Mao, interspersed with pictures of bread lines and starving laborers working government owned vegetable fields. The announcer’s voice saying the S-word about 10 times in 30 seconds. Pictures of an angry Bernie Sanders in black and white switching back and forth between images of starving communists and Joseph Stalin.

Now imagine where all the money is going to come from to fund those ads. That’s right, plenty of locations for funding. This country has over 3 million people who earn more than 1 million dollars in one year’s earnings (each year). There are tens of millions of Americans who look-up to them as something they can become. Never mind the more than 1700 billionaires who will think that Donald Trump or some other asshole conservative monied capitalist will make a great U.S. president. The odds are against us. The campaign funding system is not yet on our side. Dreamy dreams of a true socialist who can make your dreams come true before you die are not timely at this time in the United States. If you continue to froth at the mouth over the peace and love and economic equality message of the true socialist then senator Sanders will be the nominee and we’ll be losing the entire country to conservatives with such backward thinking we’ll be moving toward corporate fascism so fast you’ll wish for the Watergate days.

Then you can just say goodbye to all those dreams of a single-payer health care system, banking reform that protects the middle class, criminal justice reform that protects the poor, Wall Street reform that reigns in greed and wealth distribution that grows us into what we can be, education reform that makes us the shining city on the hill that can actually compete in the twenty-first century. Just kiss it all goodbye.  

Please get real. The dream may come one day soon, just not yet, not this election year.  

2/10/2016 Day after the first primary in the United States, the state of New Hampshire:

Congratulations Senator Bernie Sanders (D - Vermont)! I knew you would win the state next door to your own where you have been a political folk hero of liberals for decades, ever since you took over as the mayor of Burlington and fixed that medium sized city.

If you are a pundit get your recent past straight before making a fool of yourself. It was predicted as very likely by any smart politico who knows the senator’s past that he would win the votes of the liberal Democrats of New Hampshire. I have known this for all of this past year and (silly me) I expected that you political reporters would also have known this. I was expecting his big win there.

Hold on Bernie your real challenge is coming. In the Carolinas and those many states you are the tomato in the pickle barrel. Get ready for a Hillary Rodham Clinton win in nearly all of those states. That is where the delegate windfall begins for her.

Guess what voters: Hillary Clinton does stand for everything Bernie Sanders is touting as if those issues were his own unique and new advocacy. I have known this since the early 1990’s when her husband William Jefferson Clinton ran for the office of President of the United States and I witnessed a fighter who as a woman stood-out and fought against white male assholes, day after day. That white male machismo club has kept women like herself as an enemy to be subdued since the evolvement of bands of homo sapiens began to be thinkers and builders of their environment.

What Bernie says he will do is what Hillary has had close experience advocating for for decades. But she stands alone as the one candidate, between the two of you, who has stuck her neck out as a party participant who actually wanted the opposition to get onboard with her ideas. Bernie has mostly stood alone and has been comfortable as both a congressional representative and a U.S. senator from a small population state of voters in a demographic that is fairly new to the state of Vermont - not the old-timers of Vermont, but the demographic that fled the lower New England states, beginning in the late 1980’s, for cities like Burlington, who then voted for the passionate Jewish man from Brooklyn. As if he was more likely to understand the populace of the largest voting block population of that small state.  

Senator Sanders sir,

Your history as a politician clearly portrays that you have stood alone as a rebellious independent. Except for all those votes against a national waiting period and background check for gun buyers, in which you chose to listen to the National Rifle Association propaganda and so you thought that you were representing the people of a hunting state; Vermont. 

You have been voting as a minority who stuck to his guns for the price of getting very few of your issues understood and accepted in the very partisanly divided government that is the United States. You have very little history as a moderate who seeks to bring people together to have accomplishments. Hillary has been that person of the later. That is a distinguishing difference that makes her a far better candidate to take-over the highest office in the United States as our commander-in-chief - on day one.  You know of this difference sir, and your subconscious knows it also. Those dreamy liberals (I am often one of them) are mesmerized by an ideal that this country is not ready for. Not this entire country, a very different place than Burlington Vermont liberals portray your following as.


hmm. a new series developing that will have to be portrayed in tiny snippets for the internet attention deficit hyperactivity browsing public. The title of the series?:

What went wrong for Senator Bernie Sanders.

Know this readers: my predictions were public many months ago. I'm pretty pretty pretty sure you can find them. This series will extrapolate on those writings and the causality in reasons why they were made and why I knew with 90% certainty what would happen to his campaign for president of this greater country.

Point 1 (of many).
The aesthetics of the candidate.

Yes there are a shitload of very shallow people who make judgements about  people in a split-second. In your work or home environment, you have met one today.

Image for a meme: 10 or 20 young (youth is important for meme) African American people facing the camera. None expressing any interest. Collective cartoon thought bubble:

"Oh not another old white guy. He fits my adapted stereotype of an old white guy. Part of the damn problem. He's a curmudgeon too! Seems like he's whining about his Ensure being late."


Coming: Look out soon for another editorial from me about why it is a strong factor and it (really) is important to vote for a woman for president of the United States at this very time. A woman who is progressive and has a strong record of fighting for families. A woman who does not walk around the White House as if holding her finger on the trigger of a gun. War is coming you fools. The pattern of a world war has begun. 

James Gray Mason, August 2015.

The author: 1995, Starbucks, Monterey, California. Reading every single essay of political opinion in Liberal Opinion Weekly for more than 15 years. I now know conservatives and liberals of the United States very well. I know who they are and how they think. I choose liberal. I chose reason. I know it is not time for the progressive revolution. Not yet. Because I AM NOT RUNNING THIS YEAR. LOL. :-)  

All American Rights Reserved: End All Suffering / James Gray Mason, 2015, 2016. 

#HillaryClinton2016 #BernieSanders2016 #USAElections #Vote2016 #POTUS 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Gene Editing Gets the Go from the United Kingdom

“The future depends on our support of the inevitable progress of adaptation of humans.”

I want to thank the United Kingdom for allowing gene editing to begin for the future of billions on this planet. I want to assure those afraid of this technology that our future depends on this technology. Sure, there will be accidents that may cause some harm, but the future is our ability to overcome nature’s bad-hand. That hand is also what we have done to ourselves. This science is (like it or not) human’s ability to naturally adapt to our dire circumstances. Fear of this technology will only withhold our development of what it can be:  a viable solution to much suffering in our futures.

Every single scientific breakthrough that was put into a practical use has had (and likely always) will have a shortcoming. A misstep. But how will we ever find out? Everything from our science the we use today came with a price. That price is very human. It is our nature to learn the most and the best from our mistakes. Sure, every scientist imagines that what they are ready to launch upon us is foolproof. That vision of a no mistakes scientifically derived product remains within nearly all of them. We have regulatory agencies now that are better than ever before and reducing those mistakes and the harm upon us all is being accomplished today. 

We must have confidence. We face a world so complex and so wrought with unknown biological circumstances - many of which we create in our environment, that we need all tools that can provide hope - now. We need our genetic science to save us. I and the End All Suffering foundation will not cower in ignorance. Because our ignorance is kind of beautiful. Not as beautiful as human’s ability to adapt -  and gene editing is one very promising way of seeing that adaptation come to fruition of far less suffering in our futures.

The blocking of birth defects while a fetus is in utero is just one of the many abilities of this science in our future. The battle against cancer is another strong and promising future of this science. 

Monsters. Super people. Military super soldiers. All a possibility. If you shun this science then we can’t stop that from happening. The irony of fear of this science is: because those governments who will do that anyway, if we cower in fear and vitriol then they will be able to do it in the shadows. They will and we won’t know unless we make it transparently used. That means the more of us embrace the agencies who are watching the technology, the less of chance exists that those scary scenarios will occur. 

We can’t be afraid. The future depends on our support of the inevitable progress of adaptation of humans. Adaptation is what humanity special in this local group. We quickly evolve. Those mistakes are part of our evolvement. That rapid evolvement. We are unique in this respect.    

All Rights Reserved: End All Suffering / James Gray Mason, 2016.

#FrancisCrickInstitute #Geneediting #ScienceEducation #GeneticResearch #Cancer #BirthDefects #Futurism #BBC #UnitedKingdom #HerMajesty #endallsuffering #stop

allsuffering #hope