Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:

Definitely. Multiple objects of consistent evidence. Fully publicly documented: a message:
Discovery of the secretly indicated location of the Alien Stone in the time traveled image from Google that met my time travel communication experiment in November 2014.

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer

End All Suffering on Twitter: Single payer
End All Suffering on Twitter: Watching us again fail to SEE Medicare for All / Single f-ing Payer!

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon

You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per mon
You're going to the ISLAND as*hole! The whole pack of you. We'll drop live chickens 2 times per month.


Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sexual Harassment by Manpigs in Public and Courtly Love

First: As a graphic and emotional example, of how many women feel about public sexual harassment, and all sexual behavior in public directed at them: On the subway one day, a couple of years ago, Nicola Briggs, suffered a visual, in person, sexual assault from a pervert flasher. She reacted in a manner appropriate (I wish more women would have her reaction - I would defend her right to do so, immediately). Ms. Briggs has since used this experience toward positive action, teaching women to defend themselves in public, and speaking frequently on the issue. Video taken by passengers went viral and the man was arrested and placed on a sexual predator public directory:

Nicola Briggs: “Then I see his penis out.”

Second: A public experiment that shows us an example of here in the United States (in some other cultures it’s far more blatant and actually accepted by the male population): A heroic young man who is sensitive to this assault on women and two young women who present themselves as prey for an important social experiment. It's also viewed and accepted differently in sub-cultures within the United States.

Video: One molester, two women. 

Third: The video that inspired this essay, a new video produced with purpose to expose public sexual harassment is getting a great response from the public at this time:

10 hours of walking in New York City:

In discussions of this recent video women seem in majority agreement that this is harassment that is offending and so harmful to the feelings of women and girls. There are more than 30 videos of people, mostly men discussing their viewpoint of this experiment. Many men opining on this video presentation are commenters downplaying the significance or harm of this cat-calling and teasing gestures, even the frequent persistent coy and devilish smiling as has been included as harassing behavior in this video. The men are in agreement: “What’s the big deal?”

But be advised men and boy readers: We can not just consider their feelings vaguely or broadly. Try to understand that for the women it is an assaulting challenge on overall self-esteem to experience this every day.

It is as you are followed by the store detective every time you go into a department store. Because you look like a shoplifter in the shallow profiling judgment of some security guard.

A long term hurtful perception from this behavior is developed. We call the victims stigmatized. While your sister is walking, your daughter, your mother she is attempting to maintain pride in who they are, and protect their level of dignity. Self-esteem allows positive emotions like pride and dignity are traits we all try to maintain all day-long.

Men, think about your own pride and self-esteem, and imagine yourself on the other side of this behavior. The behavior invokes the persistent feeling of having to live while stigmatized. A self-esteem defeating condition to have to live with. We men don't want to live with it, why dish-it-out? Unless you're just a selfish and shallow a**hole.

By the way, women are getting armed and training for close encounters with sidewalk a**holes. Stop the cat-calls and the jeers, and passing greetings of animistic sexual barbs. It may be the practical thing to do.


How to Greet Beautiful Women in Public Using the Mannerisms of Courtly Love:

I want to encourage men and boys toward a new manner of getting a beautiful woman’s attention in public. I find it to be courteous, pleasant, dignified, friendly and far more likely to receive a pleasant reply.

Here’s my take: The background I speak from; I must confess before I go on further with my experience in getting the attention of a woman: I’m a handsome guy from afar and up close. Many guys are not blessed with a face that melts hearts at first glance and that can be a handicap when trying to meet a woman in the public environment.  To my disadvantage I have actually denied my appearance as handsome or “cute,” for most of my life. As I disbelieved persistently that attraction to my appearance was a factor in the many times a girl or a woman made first advances by flirting communications toward me. I have walked away from at least ten (probably many more) opportunities to further a chance meeting into a romantic relationship, completely unknown to me while I was being hit-on by an attractive girl or woman. Because of my under appreciation for the face I genetically inherited and my (false) low self-esteem in this important area of human interaction in life I have allowed myself to collect remorseful memories of several of these encounters where I later realized “I blew-it.”

James Gray Mason.jpg

The author: The heart breaker face that did not know it - many times.

My mother was a feminist in the late 1960’s and into her life. As a boy I was dragged along to her weekly and sometimes bi-weekly Women’s Liberation Front meetings. Where I was bored by the apparent gaggles of women who were voicing their disgust with being treated by men as a lower status of a person. They were clearly angry and full of complaints and on the verge of being ready to take-up arms. But I was a little boy and so paid scant attention to their pleas for equality. However, my mother explained the issue to me once or twice during those days and so I shared in her passion, but only casually because I was a hyperactive little boy.

Mommy's' little feminist of the future. 1968.
Use Courtly Love

Aretha Franklin was not just singing pretty sounding words, when she reminded us all "A little respect," is all it takes. Constant respect in romantic or admiration behavior is the basic premise of Courtly Love.

In the public as an attractive woman approaches my location I seek a moment in the timing of her approach that will likely catch her eye. When that tiny moment arrives I always wave (not excitedly) and smile pleasantly and say in an upbeat intonation (mid or high C note) “Hi” or “Hello.” Nothing is sexual about it except for your own secret intention. I hope to convey to her the feeling of being addressed by someone “Who would be grateful to know me.” This impression is often a priority for a woman. Don't forget this men, boys, lesbian or bi-sexual women and girls.

Guys seriously: You are far more likely to get a return smile and a wave for your efforts in this manner than those cat calls will ever get you. Or by doing something foolish like spontaneously flattering her hair or shoes. Because she's then thinking "What the f--k do men know about hair and shoes? What an a**hole!” Sometimes this is received as disarming to a woman's natural defensive persona while in public. Seen as distinctly different from a confrontation or a sexual threat. I get a pleasant return for my brief investment at a chance at love. Sometimes the pretty woman will reply quickly, seemingly impulsively, and wave back and smile. I just recently received a pleasant return wave and smile from a pretty girl, from over 150 feet away, on the other side of grassy common, in eastern Connecticut. And that is rare in New England.

I was motivated to adopt this public approach upon having a realization as a 17-year-old, at a time when I was feeling very lonely. I had developed a social phobia. I impulsively launched into a nervous panic when faced with a beautiful girl or woman who I would feel could be a romantic and or sexual prospect (it is fear of failure). I remember one day deciding positively that the chances of just running-into a beautiful woman and meeting her in a comfortable and natural context, where I felt more confident, were odds almost as bad as those of winning the lottery. So I resolved at that time that I would always attempt to wave and say "Hi," to catch the eye and attention of a beautiful woman or girl. I would not deny myself the opportunity of being in love with an attractive partner.

Courtly Love. A 12th-century European adaptation, inspired by poets and troubadours of the many kingdoms. One day a new queen carried to her court, and proclaimed it be practiced, in her own ways:

Courtly love (or fine amor) was a medieval European literary conception of love that emphasized nobility and chivalry. Medieval literature is filled with examples of knights setting out on adventures and performing various services for ladies because of their "courtly love". This kind of love is originally a literary fiction created for the entertainment of the nobility, but as time passed, these ideas about love changed and attracted a larger audience. In the high Middle Ages a "game of love" developed around these ideas as a set of social practices. "Loving nobly" was considered to be an enriching and improving practice.[1][2]
Courtly love began in the ducal and princely courts of Aquitaine, Provence, Champagne, ducal Burgundy and the Norman Kingdom of Sicily[3] at the end of the eleventh century. In essence, courtly love was an experience between erotic desire and spiritual attainment that now seems contradictory as "a love at once illicit and morally elevating, passionate and disciplined, humiliating and exalting, human and transcendent".[4]
The term "courtly love" was first popularized by Gaston Paris in 1883, and has since come under a wide variety of definitions and uses, even being dismissed as nineteenth-century romantic fiction. Its interpretation, origins and influences continue to be a matter of critical debate.

God Speed! by Edmund Blair Leighton, 1900: a late Victorian view of a lady of the Court giving a favor to a knight about to do battle.
It’s different in different cultures.

To my experience, of living in three subcultures of this country - women react differently in public to a kind or pleasant greeting, or visual confrontation from a man, soft or light or even seemingly sexual, in different regions with differing cultural norms, of this country, and it is true in the world (as is seen in the 2nd video).

In Maryland where I grew to a young man, once I adopted my new method of greeting in attempting to make contact with a new beautiful woman, I could usually get a reply wave and often a “Hello,” in response to my kind, innocent in presentation, greetings. Even if delivered while driving my car past a beautiful woman. After moving to Massachusetts, I received one, one sunny day in Boston, in the entirety of living there for more than 10 years. I remember joking to the man I was traveling with “She must be from California.” I used to say to my male friends “They’re like walking refrigerators; they react as if I’m presumed to be a masher.” In that region of this country, even a friendly approach is likely dismissed and ignored, although heard clearly, as likely sexually motivated taunt that would result in harm, or “knowing some pig.”

In the south, in Louisiana where I lived, and in Georgia, and in Florida, a pleasant return can be expected, but not always. But when I left Massachusetts for the wilds of California, at age 30, I soon discovered a reply was common. Even a beautiful woman only hearing my greeting, may turn to smile and wave back, she’ll wave her hand behind her in the air above her, seemingly grateful, as she goes about her life. But that's California a.k.a fantasy-land. And men, if you're wondering if it's true, that women and girls are more beautiful in California, I tell you now, it's really true.

Copyright Reserved, James Gray Mason / End All Suffering, November, 2014, 2-2016,

#sexualharassment #catcalls #menrpigs #now #womenonly #mansman #courtlylove #gentlemen

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Change Democracy in the United States Don't Bash It

The youth are disenfranchised with American democracy. Emphasis should be on “American” democracy. Many systems using democracy around the world are very different.

Here’s bullet points that I feel should be the points of change to make American democracy fair and productive and far more participatory:

  • Genuine and complete Public Campaign Financing: No elected office in our democracy should be without full public campaign financing. That means the dog catcher’s office to the city council to the mayor’s office, the judges, the sheriffs and so forth. Signatures raised manually should be the kicker to allow anyone access to public campaign money. That kicker to receive an escalation of public campaign funding should be more signatures. No elected official should have to spend 2 out of 8 hours per day calling and shaking hands with donors. No more PACs or super PACs for any candidate. Money is speech and so corrupting and that influence must end.

    See this online essay I wrote several years ago: http://Public-Campaign-Financing.Org It is very unnecessary to get behind a movement to repeal the Citizens United supreme court case if we only support and pass one single constitutional amendment called Public Campaign Financing. There does not need to be one word in that amendment that speaks to business or corporate influence in that funding, just simply “Only public campaign financing shall be used.”

    Within the new amendment for public campaign financing we can time restrict all political campaigning. That does not mean clamp down on free speech and restrict the press and any political opinion. It means the actual campaigns. It means that funds for advertising a political candidate must come from the Federal Elections Commission and locally from the Secretary of State’s office, in a time period prior to election day. 120 days prior to election day would allow the public to fully understand when it is election season and only then should our airwaves and internet be inundated with paid political propaganda.

  • Electoral districts need to be population based only and not gerrymandered by type of people that differentiate neighborhoods by social and political divisions as we have allowed to happen in the United States. Only the Federal Elections Commission should be allowed to draw electoral districts and then only by scientific data of population centers. Those centers of populations are always developed by urban or rural needs of industry and commerce and population density.

  • End the party dynamic. The parties are creations of political culture. They are clubs and have no place in our constitution. They literally are not in the articles of confederation or the bill of rights. They are creations and must be taken out of all representation. The labels Republican and Democrat should be what they really are in current language: ideological labels based upon an evolving cultural norm. Republicans used to be the liberals in American politics - for instance, but that changed as culture changed and it will likely change again. They are clubs.  

    That means no more primary elections and no more conventions of parties. No more whittling down the choice of candidates to two with perhaps one write-in candidate. That needs to end. An interested person should have to ask or be told by a political pundit in the news whether or not a representative or a candidate is conservative or liberal or a little bit of both (a moderate) or an independent (ambiguous swing voter) representative.  Parties were cultural evolvements to help the public categorize and should have no bearing on how we vote or when we vote. Take them out.
  • Bring back civics in all educational institutions public and private. Make children understand how full representation works as if it were learning how to read and write and perform mathematics. It is fundamental and should be taught as so. We have dropped that ball. We can pick it up and become more engaged again.

  • Make voting very easy not more restricted. Time for online voting and telephone voting. We are modern now. Additionally, we need to extend the time period to several days, Friday through Monday. An over the weekend ballot casting nationwide. We need the time and we need freedom to cast our votes. We have the technology. That technology can be controlled. There is no more excuse for a single day’s voting period where a human has to show up personally. In this manner, everyone has no excuse to not vote.

All Rights Reserved: End All Suffering / James Gray Mason

#voting #USAElections #Democracy #Election2016 #endallsuffering #stopallsuffering #essays #opinion #publiccampaignfinancing #publiccampaign #FEC #SOSoffice

Sunday, February 14, 2016

It is Consistent to Use What We Have to Get to Where We Need to Be

“It’s hypocritical!” No, it’s consistent to use the apparent antithesis of the problem to solve the problem until we no longer need to when there is not a viable alternative to reach the desired outcome:  

Windmil Turbine Tower on Diesal Truck EAS 2 2016.jpg

Diesel fueled trucks and trains and ships must be used to transport the parts and large equipment for renewable energy solutions until a day when they do not have to. When we have long-haul transportation alternatives that are using a renewable energy sources we will not need to transport renewable energy parts using fossil fuels. Consistent with our basic immediate needs to get to where we need to be. 


Through the infrastructure and cost of our recycling efforts we see again, we have to use what we have to get to where we need to be. When electric vehicles can carry tons of weight and operate for several hours we are not only recycling but we will be positively productive. Our waste products become almost a natural resource. Eventually the use of fossil fuels, even for plastics and vehicles will be unnecessary. The costs of that infrastructure and those jobs made available using them should be a not for profit department that belongs to the people. When that day comes that positively productive behavior will cost us all far less.   

cop with asault rifle exiting crime scene.jpg

In a nation filled with gun toting citizens any police officer must carry a gun in almost any dangerous circumstance until a day when they do not have to. When there is real gun control in barbaric nations like the United States our police can carry non lethal weapons with the expectation that they will not have to fire a ballistic slug into another human being in order to live another day. Consistent with our basic immediate needs to get to where we need to be.

Hillary Clinton Change w podium.jpg

In a democracy a candidate can have full intent of changing a campaign financing system and also have full knowledge that he or she cannot do so unless they win the election first. If winning requires a great amount of funding in order to win a campaign to then be able to effect that change in campaigning, then that is consistent and not hypocritical. Consistent with our basic immediate needs to get to where we need to be.

Examples could fill this weblog but the point is made. We must acknowledge that our lives are filled with these apparent inconsistent behaviors. We must make use of what we have and not give-up on that goal of change toward where we need to get to.

 All Rights Reserved: End All Suffering / James Gray Mason, 2016

#essays #opinion #change #hypocracy #consistency #inconsistant #recycling #climatechange #fosillfuels #emmisions #endallsuffering #stopallsuffering #JamesGMason #sol3
All Rights Reserved: End All Suffering / James Gray Mason, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

How to Best Secure Our Ports and Our Nation from Terrorism at Home

Stop all shipping at a safe distance for full inspection.
First written July 25th, 2006. By James Gray Mason.

If a weapon of mass destruction of a size of a suitcase or a trunk or larger is introduced into the United States by those who would harm us it will likely be through our shipping ports. Consider, if a terrorist gets his nuclear bomb or bio chemical weapon shipped in a crate and that crate is tucked into the rear corner of a container the size of a tractor trailer shipping container, and that container is sitting in a parking lot waiting to be inspected or passed over that is the optimal time of detonation, at the port and almost as soon as it arrives. Since all American shipping ports are within sight of major cities then just getting to the port is adequate for the terrorists. Our current loose and barely accountable and barely efficient inspection arrangement at all of our ports will not save us.

“Foolish” is what we’ll be called after the detonation and it will be ourselves doing the name-calling as well as our enemies. The problem is not how to protect our ports so the ports won’t be a route for harming us, the problem is where we locate the ports for inspection purposes. This solution requires that we locate inspection ports at sea. Far out at sea where no detonation will harm the populaces of our cities.

Three or perhaps five large wet-docks each the size of a sports complex manned by the United States Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security can inspect by order and force all shipping that crosses oceans with intent to dock in the United States. Ships that are routing themselves around the inspection docks should be chased and apprehended. One inspection dock should be located in the Gulf of Mexico. Perhaps two each in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans that are centrally located and their distances between ports divided by traffic use at those ports. Each inspection dock should be at least one hundred miles from coasts.

Very few private contractors should get their sticky fingers on this. We the people can handle this because the security while under construction will have to detailed. The U.S. Coast Guard are the best personnel for this job. An unquestionable degree of training and professionalism combined with sacrosanct mission ideology and the discipline of that branch of our military make them the best suited for this important task of our safety and future well being. Well armed and well equipped with inspection technology and nothing harmful should get by them. The Coast Guard will be equipped to quickly sink a vessel should it be needed.

An appropriately measured tariff increase to imports sent by sea to the U.S. would compensate the entire program. For the shipping industry the cost of this inconvenience will be negligible and easily retrieved. This is not a gargantuan task like our building the Panama Canal, or the Interstate Highway System or rebuilding San Francisco, or winning World Wars I and II. It is just a technological challenge of a reasonably large endeavour.

For the American citizen a tremendous bonus. A a level of trust in one large aspect of our security not seen since decades past when we feared a Japanese invasion force landing in California.

This project could employ tens of thousands and both revitalize the Coast Guard and revitalize our sense of security. Many builders of the project will have only temporary work but the pay will be worth while and their paychecks will boost our consumer driven economy. There could be as many as one thousand Coast Guard assigned to each inspection dock at any given time. With determination of America’s politicians this project could be finished in five years. Much like the oil industry’s offshore rigs, the Coast Guard will function in much the same way while at sea, taking eight weeks off and then on time to come and go stateside. The wet docks would be at least five times the size of an offshore oil rig. But their function and capacity to house, entertain and feed a thousand personnel while performing the task of U.S. safety at its front line will be an invaluable function. Yes, McDonald’s can take a big bite and Whole Foods too.

All Rights Reserved: James Gray Mason / End All Suffering, 2006, 2016.

#homelandsecurity #TSA #Terrorism #UnitedStates #USCongress #POTUS #StoppingTerrorism #endallsuffering #stopallsuffering